Chapter 59: Harder Than What It Seemed

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Chapter 59


When I woke up my headache was ten times the one of a normal one. I mean just horrible almost made me collapse when I tried to stand up. I had to take a seat back on the edge of the bed and wait it out a little bit. Once the pain subsided I got up and headed out of my room and to the kitchen where I could hear voices. Instead of going all the way in I just stood around the corner once I realized it was a serious conversation from their tone of voice.

"What do you want me to do Kenneth? We can't just lie forever." I heard a woman say.

I could hear my dad sighing and then something slam down. "Can you give it a day Anya?"

"I've been forced to give it years Kenneth. You think I want to start at square one again?"

"Do you think anyone does?" He had gotten louder which made me wonder exactly who she was and what the hell they were talking about. "You're not the only one going through this. Give her some time okay? Let her try to remember small things instead of overwhelming her with something like that."

There was a long pause between the two so I dipped my head around the corner to finally look at the woman. As soon as I saw her she just seemed familiar, something about her was familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. I desperately racked my brain hoping to come out with something because I'm starting to realize that these feelings that I have towards people aren't for nothing. They've been in my life somehow and I so badly want to remember, I really do. I hate making people feel like this.

Instead of racking my brain any longer and adding on to my pounding headache I just decided to go ahead and ask her for myself. I stepped around the corner and into the kitchen immediately catching daddy's attention. He looked at me with some type of remorse and sadness and then the woman--Anya-- turned to look at me too with just sadness in her eyes.

She looked me over and then sighed while I decided to speak because it looked like she couldn't. "Uhm, I'm sorry that I can't remember you, I really am, but could you tell me who you are?"

She and daddy looked at me. She opened and then closed her mouth before smiling at me. "I was your councilor at the college."

"Oh, the new one?"

"Yup." She nodded and then her eyes glossed over.

She shook her head and then grabbed her purse off of the table and started to walk out and to the front door. Daddy followed her and left out the door with her leaving me to sit down on the counter top and just wait it out. I swear I hate this already. I hate looking at people and just not being able to bring up any memories with them, not being able to let them know that they are important enough for me to remember. I hate it so much I feel like I'm letting them down and disappointing them and that's not something I like to do to people.

Soon enough daddy came back in and huffed as he leaned up against the island across from me. I looked over his face just wondering what the hell is going on. He looked stressed really stressed and the gray hairs that are forming in his once jet black hair let me know it must have been stressful for him for a while.

"Dad, I hate this." I admitted.

He looked up from the floor and then when he realized what I meant he took in a sharp breath and nodded. "Me too. I'm sorry you have to go through this honey."

"Yea, I just want to remember something, anything honestly just so I know it'll comeback yknow?"

"Yea, but it's all a waiting game sweetheart." He explained. "I'm sure something will come back." He pushed himself off of the counter and went into the fridge to grab some stuff out.

A Music Love Affair (Sequel to DPF)Where stories live. Discover now