Chapter 49: Let Go & Let Love

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Chapter 49


August massaged one of my feet with his free hands while I massaged his shoulders. We've both been up watching the news all morning about Justin's case and waiting on Travis, Dink and my parents to get down here so we could all go to breakfast. So far the case has been going really well and it's inevitable that Justin's going to get some time, but how much is what we've been waiting on.

After all of last nights events I've gotta say I'm the happiest girl on earth right now and once I hear how many years this ass hole has I'm pretty sure that'll just be the icing on the cake. My wedding cake to be exact.

"In the case of Justin Thompson against the people, you are sentenced to one year in prison for every case that was wrongly tried. Which means, you are sentenced to thirty-nine years in Fulton county jail." The judge explained and then banged his gavel. "Case dismissed."

As soon as I heard the verdict my nerves were calmed and a sigh of relief was let out. I felt August's shoulders stop being tensed, and he leaned more in between my legs. As bad as he wanted to hurt Justin, I genuinely believe somewhere inside of him he didn't want to take the risk of going back to jail and I'm glad because I don't want him back in that place.

He stood up from the floor and turned to face me before leaning down and trapping me in between his arms. He looked over my face and I looked over his and I know that he's really happy about this because some days after talking to Elijah and learning that there were men serving life sentences at the hands of Justin, August has been pissed. He didn't even so much as care about hisself getting justice but rather all of those fathers, husbands, and sons that were in prison when they probably shouldn't even have been or atleast not as long they were given. Now, he and them have that and I know it has to feel good.

"You feel better about everything?" I asked him.

He nodded and kissed me a couple times. "Yea. I'm good. Still feel his ass needs to get beat, but this cool too."

"Don't have anyone in there lay hands on him Aug."

"I ain't." He assured.

I know him and I know that when he seriously wants to get revenge or make it be known to someone that he isn't a punk, he'll go above and beyond. I wouldn't put anything past him so it was just a fair warning.

He pulled away and licked his lips and then grabbed my hand pulling me up so we could go into the bathroom and get dressed. We did as quickly as possible just before someone knocked on the room door. I left from the embrace August has had me trapped in for the last five minutes just resting his head on my shoulder and rocking us back and forth.

He reluctantly let me go and I went out to open the door and then let everyone in. "The officially married couple in here havin' sex Mr.H!" Dink yelled to my dad as he waltzed in.

I smacked him upside his head and he laughed while my dad shook his head and came to give me a little hug followed by my mom. "No they didn't. Doesn't smell like sex in here." My dad yelled back.

Everyone other than me and mama were laughing at him while he just tried to suppress a smile while he looked at me. I shook my head at the goofy look on his face and then came into the living room area and sat down next to Dink. He grabbed my left hand and examined my ring on it with his eyes all bugged out.

"Bruh, when Travis told me to look at the rock why was I lookin' on the ground last night wonderin' what the hell he was talkin' 'bout?" Dink asked me making me shake my head. "No for real, and then it's like how the hell I miss it? The damn thing is the same size as my big toe."

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