Chapter 29: Things Are Happening

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Chapter 29

Shout out to @GoldenGoddessR & @LoveableKitaBoo for the lovely idea of having Jaycee's POV.

If all goes over well and you guys enjoy it this chapter, it may become a regular thing. 😊



"I think it's this hall, Aug!" O'Shae yelled while I ran off in the other direction and she took the other.

I turned back around and jogged down the same hall she was pointing too. As soon as I seen the room number for Jaycee I sprinted in leavin' O'Shae in the hallway. After I got that call from Jaycee, I let Shae know what was up and she offered to drive me up here so nah we was just lookin' for Jay's room, but I'm glad we found in.

When I got in Jay was layin' on the bed cryin' a lil bit while the doctor was doin' an ultrasound. I came to stand by her bed after shuttin' the door again. She looked up at me and broke down even harder, and I grabbed her head pullin' her closer to me. Like I stay sayin', I hate to see any female cryin' just for the simple fact they some of the strongest people in this world so when they cry you know they hurtin'.

"What's goin' on Doc? Is my baybeh okay?" I asked.

Doc turned off the monitor and thangs and went to flip on the light before coming back and sighing. She looked between the both of us and then down at her clip board. After that she took a seat and so did. I'm prayin' she don't tell me what the fuck I thank she about to.

"Okay, so listen," she started off. "The baby is doing okay,"

Jay and I let out a breath of relief and I thanked God real quick. The lord knows I couldn't handle loosin' another baybeh, I just couldn't do it man. I went ahead and tuned back into the doctor ready to hear what else is going on.

She looked at her clip board again and wrote something down and then looked at the both of us again. "So even though the baby is okay, we do have some complications going on within the womb."

"Complications like what?" Jaycee asked.

"Well, see, you have this thing called oligohydramnios, which is a medical condition that happens within women who are pregnant. Now it's not often that we see it so early in a pregnancy, but it does happen on occasion. This is simply the act of your amniotic fluids being low." She went on to explain.

This somethin' I actually heard about those first few weeks in my gynecology class. This is basically something that happens and women start leakin' like watery type shit out they vagina's. A lot of thangs can 'cause this and some of those thangs can really mess up the baybeh in the long run so I'm prayin' it ain't that sever and our baybeh gone be okay.

She pushed her lil rollin' chair over to the wall of pamphlets and grabbed one before handing it to Jay. Jay opened it up lookin' over a few of the thangs on it before back up at the doctor as she continued tellin' us what's up.

"Now as she can see in the pamphlet, your fluid should be anywhere between five and twenty-five, yours is a four which Is low. Now it's not that low, but low enough to make us worry so we'll definitely be keeping a closer eye on you. We'll try and do two scheduled check ups instead of one now, just to make sure things aren't getting worst or anything." She finished.

I nodded my head understanding and just glad that thangs are okay wit' my lil baybeh. "Iight well that's good."


"Wait, so what happens if things start to get bad?" Jaycee asked.

"Well if the fluid levels don't start to level out again we'd have to induce labor or if you are below five months, we'd possibly have to terminate the pregnancy all together."

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