Chapter 11: The Island Will Make You Do It

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Chapter 11

The girls Carnival outfits above minus the head dress.


I just watched as Shae kept bouncin' up and down on my dick takin' her damn time. She is really teasin' the fuck out of a nigga.

"Go faster, bae." I tol' her.

She gladly did before leanin' down to my ear and whisperin' in it. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"Good, but I gotta go." She tol' me before sittin' straight back up.

I was about to ask where she was goin' but she jus' waved at me before disappearing and was replaced wit' Jaycee. I groaned jus' seein' her which made her slap me, and after that a nigga was up.

I looked around the room to see neither of them was in here and a nigga still had his boxers on. I through my head back on the pillow honestly a lil upset that the shit was just a dream. Shit felt real, and it felt nice. Problem nah is that a nigga is hard as shit, and mornin' wood jus' annoyin' specially when I ain't got no one to handle it.

I rolled over and grabbed my phone off of the dresser and checked the time to see its only ten in the morning. I looked over at the balcony and the sun was sho' out and shinin'. I put my phone back down and stretched before decidin' to get the hell up outta bed.

After chillin' wit Dink and Brittany last night I decided to come back up to my room and chill. Shae wasn't back by one this morning so I said fuck it and figured I'd just see her later today. I'm lowkey nervous as fuck about seein' her 'cause ion't want her to be mad at a nigga or jus' not talk to me at all. I want her to see a nigga puttin' forth some type of efforts and shit.

I brushed my teeth and handled all that shit before gettin' in the shower, and while a nigga was in there I went ahead and beat my shit since I was still hard after that dream. Please believe I had Shae on my mind while I was doin' that too. I mean I ain't had none from Shae in forever and I ain't gone lie; sometimes a nigga be picturing it's her when Jay and I gettin' it in. I jus' caint help it.

After I got all my shit together and got dressed I headed out my room and down the hall to Dink's. I knocked a few times before the nigga answered the door still in his pajama's.

"Nigga, fuck is you doin'? Why you still not dressed?"

"Because unlike you I'm trynna get some sleep."

I waved him off and went to sit in the desk chair while he went to his suit case to grab his toothbrush and toothpaste. "What you doin' up right now anyways?"

"Ion't know. Jus' woke up from a dream and once I'm up, I'm up. So got dressed and was trynna see what the hell you was doin'."

"You don't care what I was doin', you just wanted to know if I knew what Shae was doin'."  He stated before he started brushin' his teeth.

"Not true I did wanna come chill witchu, but since we talkin' 'bout Shae, yknow what they doin' today?" I asked. He straight faced me then got back to brushin' his teeth.

He ain't answer me 'til he was done handlin' all that lil mornin' shit. "Uhm today we all suppose to be goin' to Carnival around two."

"Word? Ain't that the lil festival where folks be half naked, dancin' and shit?"

"Yea I guess. I ain't ever been, but Shae's mama said I'm gone like it so I hope the girls is half naked."

"You still ain't got a girl Dink?" I asked. He shook his head while he through a shirt on and then went into the bathroom to change his pants.

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