Chapter 7: What You See

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Chapter 7


Dre held the door opened for me as I walked into the store. He followed behind me as I smiled looking over all of the customers that were in the store. The place was packed and that's something none of us had expected to happen In weeks.

I left Dre behind and walked over to Nima and Brittany who were happily checking people out at the registers. "Guys it's packed in here!"

"Hey boo!" Brittany smiled. She brought me into a hug and we kissed one and others cheek before I walked over to Nima and did the same.

"Yes Shae, it's super packed. Are sales are looking so good already." Nima spoke up.

"Yes bae, like seriously we've had so many customers through here today."

"I see! This is crazy."

We all had high hopes for the store, but none of us expected it to be booming so soon. I guess the grand opening and all the promo I paid for really paid off.

"So what are you and Deandre doing for the day?" Brittany asked.

I shrugged still looking around the store at everything. "Not much. Gonna go to his dad's house and then he has a meeting with the team so I'll probably go to the studio and get some work done down there."

"Yea? You still workin' with Tamar?" Nima asked.

"No. We wrapped up things, but I'm working with August at the moment."

The both of them snapped their heads around to look at me. They turned to make sure no customers were coming to the counter and then fully faced me. Both of them looked shocked and I rolled my eyes seeing that they were going to blow this out of proportion.

"Excuse me?" Brittany asked. "August Alsina? As in the man that you were madly in love with?" She whispered.

"Yes, that one."

"You've got to be joking Shae. I know we talked about you going to meet up with him, but you guys work together now? How is that going?" Nima cut in.

I shrugged again thinking about our times together since we've met up again. I can't say it's been all bad. I mean there's been our problems here and there, but other than that it's been nice having August back around. It's like him being back has filled a void in me.

I looked up to make sure no customers were coming to the counter but they were so I pointed at them to make Nima and Brittany get back to work. They did so and checked out a few customers and then turned back to me picking the conversation right back up.

"So how's it been?" Brittany asked.

"It's been good. I don't know what you want me to say."

"Have you like-- felt something for him again?"

I looked else where and then back at them with my bottom lip between my teeth. I never wanted to say anything or even acknowledge the undeniable feeling that was still there. I'm not going to say that I still am out write in love with him, but there's still love for him that's there. I mean for gods sake, I had his child. There will always be some way I feel for him, but I can't act on those feelings, because I have someone else who I'm actually in love with.

I looked up at Deandre and he was looking at a thong like he was confused and I smiled slightly. I have that big goof ball now, I'm definitely trying to keep any old feelings away. I mean, I kind of have to.

I looked back at Brittany and Nima who had shock written all over their faces, but Nima was the first to say anything. "You do still have feelings!"

A Music Love Affair (Sequel to DPF)Where stories live. Discover now