Chapter 19: Moving Forward

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Chapter 19


"Brinx!" I cheered while walking into his dining room.

He stood up from his chair and came to give me a hug before pulling another chair out for me to sit in and then took his seat. "How you been Shae?"

"I've been good, really good actually. How have you been?"

"Shit, out here doin' it. You know how I am."

"Yea I do, so what's up, what exactly did you need to talk about?" I asked him.

Brinx called me up here to talk about some business things and I'm excited for whatever it may be. Brinx is one guy I've been really cool with early on in the game and he's been someone that has put me on with a lot of elite people in the game. I look to him as a mentor and many other things but recently we haven't spoken and I don't like that, but when he called with business enquires I was more than ready to come down to his house.

He leaned back in his chair and looked me over. "Why haven't I heard from you recently girl?"

"I've just been busy and damn near everywhere handling work related stuff."

"Oh okay, well I got a favor I need from you."

I lightly smiled a little nervous as to what the favor is. He never really asks for favors unless he's asking some of the girls he works with for favors in a sexual way. "Okay, and that favor is?"

"I need you to come to the Millionaires Auction and be one of the girls we auction off for dates." He explained.

My eyebrows came together wondering what exactly this all is. "Wait, Millionaires Auction?"

"Yea, it's like an auction where a lot of the Elite men and women come down and we have drinks, food and everything and we bid against each other for nice cars and condo's and then sometime in the middle we have a few ladies come up and we auction Yall off to go on dates with whoever bids the most. That portion of the night is where all of our charities come in, so whatever someone bids on you goes to their charity of choice."

"Oh wow, that actually sounds really cool. So I would come and get auctioned off, but what happens on these little dates?"

"Most times the dudes don't even go on the dates it's just away to give to the charities." He went on. "But some do go on the dates and all yall do is go to dinner or to a club. Some of the hoes actually go home with the dude. It's whatever."

I nodded, not minding the little idea of this auction. Brinx needs a favor and this is all for charity so I'm definitely willing to come tag along. The only problem here will be running this by August and seeing what he has to say about it all.

I slowly stood up from my chair at the same time he did and grabbed my purse from off the table. He leaned forward and gave me a quick hug before he walked me out.

"I'll email you the information tonight!" He yelled after me as I got into my truck.

"Okay! See you later B!"

"See you Shae!"


"Daddy!" I sang while walkin' into his house.

"Office!" He yelled back. I made my way down the hall and through the double doors that lead into his office.

He looked up from the papers on his desk, and smiled. "Hey honey, what you doin' here?"

I shrugged and came and sat on the edge of his desk playing around with some of his pens. I only came over to daddy's to check in on him and mama and see if he knows anything about the Millionaires Auction. It sounds like something he could have attended being high up in the plastic surgery world and everything.

A Music Love Affair (Sequel to DPF)Where stories live. Discover now