Chapter 14

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"Daisy." a voice said from somewhere near me, followed by snapping fingers. "Daisy, over here."

I turned my head. Macy and her crew sat at the table, staring at me.

I glanced over at Auburn, who was walking beside me as we headed to our normal table.

"Daisy, come sit with us." Macy said.

"Go. Get gossip for me." Auburn whispered, giving me a little smirk.

I turned back to the group and walked to them, sitting down beside Lexi Medley.

I had been eating better. Slow progress. I wanted to get better, I really did. I only wanted to do so, so I could live a long happy life with Ashton without him worrying of stressing over me.

I munched on a little bag of chips Ashton packed for me, listening to the girls talking.

"Um, what are you doing?" Lexi disgustingly said.

"Eating?" I stated the obvious.

"Chips? Do you know how many calories that has? You'll get," - Michelle dramatically paused - "fat."

Flashbacks of me starving myself for endless hours flashed before my eyes, causing me to set the bag down with regret.

Guess I was going back to how everything was before.

"I'd hold off on the calories." Macy said. "You could lose a few pounds."

That stung.

Forget stung, it felt like a fücking knife through my heart.

"Oh." I mumbled, picking up the bag of chips. I got up and walked to the trashcan, throwing the bag away.

I turned, seeing the girls nodding with approval. They whispered among themselves, stopping when I sat back down.

"How about you go shopping with us tomorrow?" Macy suggested

"Tomorrow?" I replied. "Okay. I'll ask my, um, dad." I awkwardly said.

"Cool. Here's my number. Text me whether or not you can go after school." Macy handed me a slip of paper, messily ripped from her binder.

I nodded and took the paper.


"Why aren't you eating?" Ashton worriedly asked, looking up from his almost empty plate at me.

"Just not hungry." I lied. I was absolutely starving. The juicy looking steak taunting me on my plate in front of me only made it worse.

I was so jealous of the boys, who ate without a care in the world. I was so jealous of them because after eating they didn't lock themselves in the bathroom and pinch at their stomach and thigh fat and feel disgusted. I was so jealous of them because they didn't know what it was like to be afraid to eat.

They didn't know.

My stomach growled, which I covered the sound of, with a fake cough so Ashton didn't know out I was starving myself again.

The boys didn't ask anymore questions, instead just carried on eating.

"Could I use some money?" I sweetly asked Ashton. "My friends wanted me to go shopping with them tomorrow."

Ashton looked up again, the lighting making his hazel eyes appear more green than usual, "Sure."

"Thank you. Can I quickly text her to tell her I can come?" I innocently asked.

Michael and Calum started giggling, obviously taking my question in a dirty way. Ashton shot them a disappointed look, the two attempting to quiet their laughs.

But in this house there was no such thing as quiet.

"Keep it PG." Ashton mumbled, glaring at the two immature boys. "And yes, you can."

I texted Macy's contact which I had just added before dinner. She replied with, great. You can ride with the girls and I to the mall.

"She said that she can drive me." I told Ashton.

"Tell her I'll pick you up from the mall of 6."

"6?" I repeated. "Ashton, that's not enough time."

"Yeah, Ash. Pick her up at 8 or something." Luke chimed in, me sending him a grateful look for helping.

"Okay. 8." Ashton conformed.

I texted her, then set my phone down and took a swig of water, feeling giddy for tomorrow.


Hey :-)

- Mickey

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