Preference #24 Birth

Start from the beginning

You looked to your side and found Sam sleeping in a chair. He was too big for it and made the chair look toddler sized. You smiled and called, "Sam. Sammy. Wake up." He woke up and rushed to your side. "How are you?" He asked. You shrugged and said, "I'm okay. How's our kid?" He smiled and said, "She's okay. It missed her by two inches. I'll go ask when you can see her."

You were holding your baby girl in no time. With your eyes and the signature Winchester bitchface, she was beautiful. You only learned that she had the bitchface because Dean held her all wrong and she became very uncomfortable.

"I was thinking we'd call her Samantha," you said.

Sam smiled and said, "No."

"C'mon, I was just stabbed. Let me name the first baby."

"There'll be more?"


A pause of consideration from Sam was all you needed to charm him with your smile.

"Fine. But I get to name the second."

"Yay. Samantha it is."

"Y/N, I read that eating spicy food helps the baby come out faster," Castiel said as he saw your discomfort. You were four days past your due day. You groaned and laid down on the couch. "I am a hunter, I have faced demons, angels, witches, vampires. But I think this baby is going to be the one I can't beat." Castiel frowned.

He leaned down to your stomach. "Please stop causing your mother discomfort . . . Little child." You giggled and caressed the side of his face. "You're so cute," you said to Cas and then you felt a kick from the baby and sighed, "You, too."

You took a nap on the couch and awoke to pain. "Castiel! Cas! Oh my gosh! Crap, this hurts!" Cas appeared to your side. "Relax, Y/N, this is natural," and with that you were in a hospital.

"My wife needs assistance.She's in labor," Cas said to a nurse. The nurse looked to the pregnant lady slightly bending down and holding onto the angel wearing a trench coat for dear life. She lead you into a room and the contraction were hitting fast.

As you changed and had all sorts of stuff done to you, Cas overlooked everything and tried to stay out if the way for the most part. Until you actually had to start pushing and then you needed him for moral support.

"You can do this, Y/N. Push. Okay. Once more. You're doing good," of course this was delivered in a very awkward manner. It was still nice to have him there as you delivered a baby girl.

"She's beautiful," you gasped when she was handed to you by a nurse. It was unknown to you for her eyes were closed, but she had her father's eyes and your face.

"She resembles your beauty," Cas said, softly touching her hand.

"Let's call her Audrey."

"Audrey," he said, letting the foreign name become familiar in his mouth. He smiled in satisfaction when he saw how happy you looked holding Audrey.

Gabriel was pretty good at parenting. He had already baby proofed the house and had you on this diet that helped the baby grow. Then you found out you were having twins and the diet doubled in portions. You could tell he was really going to care for your children.

Anyways, Gabriel was cracking jokes one morning and you were laughing so hard that you thought you had peed yourself. Until you realized your water broke. You gasped and looked to Gabriel. "My water broke," you said.

At the hospital, you were practically growling as you were waiting for the boys to come out. "Gabriel," you cried out when a particularly painful contraction hit. "It's okay, sweetie, everything will be okay," he said, holding your hand. "We're never having sex again if this is the outcome," you said. Gabriel looked horrified and started to beg your children to hurry up the process.

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