"More than life." I said without any hesitation. I knew I loved Sydney. I had no doubt. Why I'm I here with Celene? Simply because I have a mere infatuation with her and I need to find out if it can be more or if I need to cut that infatuation before it leads to me loosing Sydney.

"What's her name?" It took a while for me to register that she asked a question since I was so deep in thought.

"Sydney! Sydney Pearson."


Paper work were piled high on my office desk. Between multiple cases and the Kenneth case, I was really overdue. Though I loved the pressure and the rush to finish my claims and to assign warrants. It was euphoric, well for me. This is what got me off.

Also apart from waiting patiently for my little joy to come into this world, I had to end things with Kelly. I know having too share me been really hard for Scar and I didn't blame her one bit. Though I hardly saw much of the Country woman, considering our schedules are completely different. When I leave, she comes and when I come she leaves. I wasn't complaining though. The woman can be a complete pain.

My thoughts were interrupted by the opening and closing of my office door. I sighed dramatically and relaxed into my chair with my hands fold loosely against my torso.

"Are there any problems, Luther?" I spat.

"Yes Sydney!" He scowled while using the same tone as me.

"Elaborate! I'm sure it is worth interrupting me from my job."

"It is. Maybe you will be more interested since it has to deal with Scar Kenneth." He smirked as though he found his truth.

I kept my face neutral and stared at him while now twirling my pen around my fingers. "Why will I be interested with Scar Kenneth?"

"You know why?" He stated with that mocking grin on his face that I will love to wipe off.

"Do I now?" I asked clearly irritating him.

"Admit it Sydney. Me and Maggie figured it out." He clapped his hand slowly.

"Maggie and I." I grimaced at his poor use of vocabulary. "I'll also love too know what is this 'so called' discovery of yours."

"Don't correct me. And you know what I'm talking about. You and Scar is in a relationship."

"You used approximately four wrong uses of the rules in grammar, that I have been mentally forced to buy you a dictionary." I chastised. "Though, accusing me of such actions, can land you a lawsuit Mr. Luther."

"We have proof." He shouted with a shit eating grin.

"Do you now?"

"Yes! Look at this." He smirked and pushed a photograph of Scar holding my hand outside of Starbucks. A smile threatened to break at the memory of that day. We were both craving a caramel latte that day. Extra whip cream, extra caramel.

"That could've been at the time of my undercover work." I stated calmly.

"It wasn't."

"How are you sure?"

"Because I took the bloody picture!" He shouted.

"So you admit to the breaching of my privacy which also leads to you breaching my contract. I'll see you in court Mr Luther, now can you kindly leave my office." I stated firmly but calm.

He fumed and stormed out of my office but not before slamming my office door. I slumped against my chair and groaned.

Hours passed since Luther left my office. Signs that I was hungry began showing as my stomach growled loudly. I sighed loudly before grabbing my purse and walking out of my office and down the elevator. I quickly hustled outside trying my best not to get caught in the light drizzles of snow that begun. Snow in November, wow! I chastised mentally.

At times I feel like a mental patient. I had a lot of scenarios where I accidentally answered back myself, which led me to a lot if therapy sessions with Mr Witherspoon. I shook those thoughts away and hopped in my car. I was in the mood for itallian. So I drove down to Greco's.

The snow picked up, leaving a barely visible trail of snow on the roadways. Skid marks were seen through the snow, proof of the constant use of the vehicles. As I parked the car, I noticed an overly happy Celene looking rather comfortable with my Scar. I watched as Scar laughed lightly and took a slow bite of her fettuccine. Celene smirked and brushed her thumb against Scar's lips and sucked at her thumb.

"That bitch used the oldest trick in the book!" I muttered sarcastically.

I groaned loudly and pulled out of the carpark. Scar has a lot of explaining to do!

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