Chapter 2

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hey guys :)


Chapter 2

(Vivian's POV)

"Mum, I'm going to Caroline's house!" I called, running out with my black and white polka dot backpack.

"Be back in time for dinner!" she called back, trying to catch my attention before I was gone. I quickly exited the house, and ran down the street to find Caroline trying to tan on the sidewalk.

"What are you doing?" I asked, standing above her.

"Trying to tan. Now step aside, you're blocking the sun," she moved her hand to try to shoo me away.

"I guess you don't want to see the new lyrics I just came up with, then," I shrugged, beginning to walk away.

"Wait!" Caroline called, grabbing my ankle. I smirked, but didn't show it. "Come inside, I want to hear this."

We went into her house, and her mum was watching the television.

"This is crazy," she mumbled under her breath.

"What is, Ms Taylor?" I asked, walking over to her.

"The news just announced that they think that Russia is going to use nuclear missles on us!" she was almost in tears.

"Well, didn't they same the same a really long time ago about North Korea and the United States? And Cuba and the United States?" I referenced history. Liam used to always rant about topics in history, so I'm familiar with things like this.

"You're right. I shouldn't get worked-up over this," she pulled herself together, turned the television off, and walked off into the kitchen.

"Don't mind her, I think she's on menopause or something," Caroline rolled her eyes, and I followed her as we went to her room. "So show me this song."

I pulled out the lyric sheet from my bag, and was about to start singing it when my phone rang.


"Vivian! We have a Viva emergency! Come to the treehouse immediately!"

"Okay, Natalie. Caroline and I will be right there."

I hung up the phone, and turned to Caroline.

"We have to go to the treehouse. Natalie said that it's an emergency," I shrugged. Caroline nodded, and we left to go to our treehouse which is even farther down the street. When we got there, Natalie and Eleanor were waiting for us. "What's going on?"

"My bass is dead! My younger brother was carrying it down the stairs to show off to his friends, when he dropped it! I have no money to buy a new one," Eleanor was crying. That bass was her life. Her father gave it to her before he left. I actually feel kind of bad for her.

"Don't worry. You can use my dad's for when we do gigs," I gave her a sympathetic hug.

"You mean IF we do gigs! We still haven't found one!" Natalie protested, swinging her legs from the edge of the treehouse.

"We'll find one, Natalie. If they just let us show them Vivian's voice, they'll be begging to let us play," Caroline retorted, winking at me. I smiled back to her.

"Alright, well, in the meantime we should go into town and see if anyone's looking for a band."


so how's that for a second chapter?



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