Like I'm Gonna Fall In Love With You . . .

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Well, I thought about my mother’s words over and over as we drove to our new home.

            We’re moving sweetheart. You’ll be fine. It’s in a bigger, better house. Don’t worry.

            God, how I hated her at that moment. She had broken the news to me like it was totally fine, and there were no worries!! I mean, how could she?! I was leaving my entire life behind in Colorado! My best friends, Chelsea, Connor, and Tiffany! Over Spring Break even! As soon as I got home from school ready to start my two weeks of break, she broke it to me.

            I mean seriously, how can one expect a sudden movement, and everything be alright!

            So, I could never hold a grudge, but still, this news was far from perfect, as my mother had called it.

            I sighed deeply as we pulled up alongside my new house.

            The house was bigger than my Colorado home, by a mile. This house had two stories and possibly an attic.

            “Sam! Get your things out of the car! Your poor old father can’t do it by himself!” shouted my mom from the trunk as I stood in our front yard only gapping at my house. There were similar looking houses neighboring us, and well, they were kinda close, I mean, for what I could tell.

            I snapped out of my trance and flung myself around, my dark brown hair whipping in the wind. I walked back to our grey Ford Focus, and, being the klutz that I am, I slipped on the wet grass and fell back.

“Whoa!” I yelped as I flew back and hit the grass. God! Could I be any clumsier?!

My mother looked out from behind the trunk and then smiled, “Darling, now is not the time to play in the yard. We have to unpack!”

I rolled my eyes and wiped my jean shorts and straightened out my orange T-shirt, “Yeah, don’t mind me. It’s only PAIN!”

“Aww, sweetie, you’ll get over it,” my father, Jim, smiled at me. He slung an arm over my shoulder bring me close to him.  I smiled and then took my box out of the trunk labeled: Sam’s Crap

I trudged up to the front door, and opened it. I saw that everything had already been put into place, and the rest of the stuff that had been packed into boxes, now resided by the front door.

I sighed and then walked wearily up the steps and turned down a hallway.

I found a bedroom with my bed in it, and set my box down on the floor. My bed needed the sheets and the pillows and my dresser was already in place. I instantly recognized that the walls were the exact same colors as in my bedroom back home.  Two walls a shamrock green, and two walls a lavender purple.

I examined the bathroom, and then decided that it would be perfect after a few touch ups. I stood glaring out the window that was extremely close to my own, and the person next door had Batman curtains. I smiled and figured that a little boy must live there.

I heard someone coming up the steps and my mom and dad walked through the door holding more boxes of my crap and then they put a tub full of decorating tools in the doorway.

“Here sweetie, decorate your room. I know it’s kinda bland, but, I know once you touch it, it’ll be the best!” my mother said smiling at me.

I laughed and then replied, “Why not? I mean, waste not, right?”

They left me and I looked through the stuff and instantly got to work. I put all my stuff away and then as soon as I put my Batman blanket on my bed and my little bear: Bibble, I pulled out some stickers and sticky sequins, and some yellow and purple paint.

I then began writing in as perfect handwriting as I could on my ceiling: The life we live is based on the promises we make.

Then I added sparkles and sequins around the letters to make it more . . . POP! You know?

Then, when I was finally finished, called mom and dad up here, “MOM! DAD!”

They came up the stairs and I stood in the doorway, “Whaddya think?”

They smiled at me and then my dad put a hand on my shoulder looking around, “It’s definitely you Sam.”

My mom leaned towards me and placed a kiss on my head, “It’s beautiful sweetie.”

I piled all the empty boxes in the hallway and my dad came took them. I walked back into my room feeling a little better, now that my room was just the way I wanted it.

Feeling exhausted and tired out, I moved to the window in my bedroom and noticed that the window of the next door neighbors was really close to my own.

I opened my window and leaned on the ledge breathing the fresh air, and scanning the night sky. I pulled my head back in and closed the window, making a mental note on putting up my own Batman curtains!

I stripped and pulled on some red booty shorts and yellow spaghetti strap shirt. I climbed under my comforter and reached over and pulled the string on my lamp, plunging my room into darkness. 

I soon drifted off into sleep.

When I awoke, it was 8:30 and my mom was shaking me roughly, “Get up Sam! Come on!”

I groaned and pulled the blankets over my head, “No! Go away!”

I could sleep in, could I not? It was Sunday for Christ’s sake! I mean seriously!

Still, she wouldn’t give up, “Sam, sweetie, come on! It’s morning, and the early bird gets the worm!”

I complained hoping she would get fed up and leave, “But I don’t wanna worm!”

She was silent and then she replied, “Okay, what if its chocolate chip pancakes?”

My eyes widened and I sat up quickly, “Chocolate chip pancakes? Why didn’t you say so?!”

I loved chocolate chip pancakes! They were like my favorite thing to eat in the morning, afternoon, and night! Yeah! Whoo! Go Pancakes!

I jumped outta bed and ushered my mom out the door before slamming it shut, “Hurry up and make those pancakes!”

I heard my mom laugh on the other side of the door and I smiled to myself.

I walked wearily to my bathroom and took a quick shower. I blow-dried my hair then it curled naturally. I applied a little eyeliner and mascara.

I walked out in my towel and went to my dresser. I pulled out a navy quarter-sleeve shirt and my ripped skinny jeans, and some black and purple lingerie.

I heard my mom yell from downstairs, “Samantha! Come down and meet the new neighbors! Hurry up!”

“Sorry, hold on!”

I rolled my eyes, and slipped on my black low-rise converse. I pulled on a bright pink bracelet with a peace charm on it and I slipped my phone into my back pocket.

I flung my door open and instantly I smelt chocolate pancakes. I quickly ran down the hallway and watched my feet fly down the steps.

Suddenly, I tripped over my own feet within the last steps of the staircase and I began to fall forwards. “Whoa!” I yelled as I close my eyes and got ready for intense pain.

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