“Great! So here’s what we’ll do, on the count of three we start. First person to Tavern Row, wins!” I announce gleefully.

The guys agree quickly and Kayla nods her head, concentrating.

“1...2...3!” I call loudly.

Sean and Ivan sprint quickly and even Kayla’s pretty fast. I grin as I stretch my leg a little. Kayla throws a look back at me and sticks her tongue out at me.

I wave merrily before jogging down the other street. Poor Thomas kids! None of them know the shortcut to Tavern Row.

I jump over a small picket fence and another and another. The impact hurts my leg a little, but hey, I’ll get a piggy-back ride later, it’s all worth it.

In five minutes I reach Tavern Row and just as I had suspected, none of them are there yet. I grin to myself and sit down, huddled up in my jacket. If I’m not wrong, all of them would have taken the street that cuts through Jefferson. They must think it’s the fastest way! Poor suds don’t realise their house is literally two blocks from Tavern Row!

After an eon, Sean finally gets to me, panting heavily, all sweaty. He looks around himself and jumps up and down in joy. Guess he doesn’t notice me.

“Ahem,” I clear my throat, chuckling at his crestfallen expression.

“How in the world-” he begins but is cut off by Ivan turning down the street. He takes in my relaxed postures and guffaws at his brother.

“Shortcut,” I explain, grinning.

“That isn’t fair!” Sean accuses, stabbing a finger at me.

“Hey, I never said we all had to take the same route, nor did any of you ask me if there was a shortcut,” I defend, shrugging.

Sean narrows his eyes at me but sits on the pavement, trying to cool down.

Finally, nearly a full ten minutes after Sean and Ivan arrived, Kayla makes her appearance, sweating and gasping wildly.

She glares at me as she sits down, still panting.

“...hate...you!” she manages to choke out.

“Are you gonna give me my piggy-back now or at school?” I ask, getting to my feet with some difficulty.

“You cannot be serious!” she exclaims, her face draining of its colour.

“A bet is a bet, sis,” Ivan murmurs, shrugging.

“There’s no way in hell that I can carry you!” she squeaks, going a little red again.

I shrug my shoulders at her. She sighs theatrically and bends down a little so I can climb on her back.

“Pfft! You don’t need to bend! You're short enough as it is!” I tease, wrapping my injured leg around her tiny little waist..

Her cheeks get even darker red then and I can’t help but chuckle. I unwrap my leg, doubled over in laughter!

“You should have seen your face!” I gasp, laughing wildly! “Obviously I wasn’t being serious!”

She stands still looking confused for a moment before glaring at me. Just as she’s about to protest, I have a mini-heart-attack when I see the time.

“We’re going to be so late for school!” I mutter.

Kayla whips out her cell phone and does a double take.

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