Chapter 10: Ghosts

Start from the beginning

"Name an example then." This would be good.

"Well, let me think of one." Demi put her sandwich down and began murmuring to herself, "Wow, this is hard. So many. Ok! Well, this is someone me and Roric know, but it's one of my favorites because it's romantic. Ready?"

I could see that Dawn was leaning forward in anticipation.

"Ok, so Roric has this guy friend and he's like my brother too. Anyway, last year he really started getting closer to God and he was really close to his girlfriend. Too close, actually." Demi wrinkled her nose, "But then he realized that God comes first in a relationship and he ended up praying 'God, I understand that I always need to put you first and not my girlfriend, but I really love her. And it's ok if you say no, but should we get married? If you think so, make it start raining now' and it did right that second! Isn't that amazing?"

I frowned. How was I supposed to know he wasn't lying? What if it had been raining just seconds before? What if it was forecasted to rain?

Demi sighed, "Paul, my friend wouldn't lie. Besides, the next year on that day's anniversary it rained at the same time too."

"How do we know you're not making this up?" I asked out loud.

"That's such an amazing story, Demi." Dawn said.

"I know, right? I mean, could you imagine getting permission from God to marry someone like that? And then to surprise them again the next year!" Demi sighed cheerfully.

"Roric was telling me about them yesterday." John commented, "They seem like a very godly couple."

"Yeah. They're very nice and they put God first." Demi agreed.

I really didn't want to be here for this conversation anymore.

"What is it that you have a problem with, Paul?" Demi asked.

I cringed, "Stop commenting on my thoughts."

"Well they kinda stab at me when you're grumpy." Demi put her hands up innocently.

Dawn frowned in disapproval at me and I shrugged. What was I supposed to do? Think more quietly? I couldn't change my thought process.

"So what makes you mad about that?" Demi asked.

"I just don't believe it could happen." I said truthfully.

"Why not?"

"Because things like that don't happen."

"Why not? Can you prove that?"

I thought about it, "No."


"But you can't prove that it's God either." I countered.

Demi smiled, "Well, I feel like I could sit here and talk about so much proof that you wouldn't believe me, but it wouldn't matter right now because your heart isn't open to it so that's ok. I'll pray for you instead."

I was about to comment, but John said, "Hey, did you see the news this morning?"

"No, I slept in. What happened?" I asked, glancing at Demi who went back to eating her sandwich with gusto.

"They said that they think some of the activity around Mt. Pyre has been caused by Ghost Pokemon at the cemeteries."

"Ghost Pokemon?" I repeated, trying not to think of my dream last night. The only one I'd had that I didn't want to remember.

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