Chapter 42

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Tyga POV

"C'mon lil man, dont cry" I said walking back and forth with Dylan in my hands, I swear since I got him yesterday that's all he would do, cry. Like Alexis turned him against me or some shit, he barely smiles.

"Maybe he's tired" Charity said. I look at her like she's dumb as fuck, I dont even know why she's over here. Can you believe she wanted to fuck while my son was in the room with us? Then she gets mad when I call her out on it so I told her ass to bounce last night and now she's here bright and early talking and shit.

I sucked my teeth and walked into the kitchen taking his bottle off the counter.

"dumbass" I mumbled then started feeding Dyl. I wont admit it to anyone, but it's times like this where I miss Alexis.

Alexis POV

I woke up to my phone ringing and I quickly reached over picking it up, Ty's picture popped up and I slid the bar across.

"Hello" I said sitting up carefully and looking over at Chris

"Wassup, I'm bringing Dylan over in like 15 mins, is that good with you?" He asked but I could barely hear because of crying in the background

"Yeah that's fine, why is he crying?" I asked wrapping the sheet around my body and getting out of bed with mommy mode taking over me.

"I dont even know Lex, I guess he miss you" Ty said trying to hush Dyl. I smiled because even though it's only been a day I miss my baby too.

"Well hurry up and bring him, I'm at my new crib so I'll text you the address"

"Mhm aight" he said then I hung up. I quickly texted him the address and floor, door number. I ran into the bathroom to take a quick shower.

10 minutes later

I was twisting back on the cover to my Coconut lotion when I heard knocking at the door. I looked at Chris who was still sleeping, I smiled at him before making my way out of the room and out to the foyer. I looked through the peephole and smiled seeing my baby there, I immediately unlock the door and open my arms wide.

"Dyl!!" I screamed as Ty handed him over to me. He smiled up at me before wrapping his tiny arms around my neck.

"Wassup?" Ty said handing my his bag too, something was off about him but it wasnt my concern, it was his girl's.

"Nothing much, you wanna look around?" I asked stepping to the side with Dyl on my waist. He looked over my shoulder then shook his head

"Nah, maybe some other time... I got to be at the studio". I nodded and was about to close the door until he looked like he was about to say something.

"Be good little man, see you in a few days" he said then kissed Dyl's cheek, it actually brought a smile to my face.

"You look good Lex" he said then turned walking down the hallway.

I closed the door and took Dyl and his bag down to his new room. As soon as I got the door open he tried to jump out of my hands but I laughed and put him down to the floor securely. I watched as he ran to his racecar bed and climbed up all by himself. I smiled as I watched him admire him room, I knew he would like it. You see my baby has an obsession with the "Cars" movie and "Spiderman" so half of his room in completely car'd out including his bed and the other half is spiderman central, the store even had a little Spiderman TV so I had to get it.

"I think he likes it" I feel a pair of arms on my waist and I couldnt help the smile that crawled on my face.

"Goodmorning" I said turning to look back at him and he looked at me before planting a fast kiss on my nose. I smiled then turned back around to Dyl who was looking over my head.

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