Chapter 1

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Alexis P.O.V

Standing at this counter waiting for someone to walk through those doors & buy something is really aggravating. I work at the Supreme store in Manhattan, It's 11am pushing on 12 and noone has walked through those doors.

" Alexa, I'm going on my lunch break!" yelled Olivia my annoying ass co-worker.

"It's Alexis ..... bitch" I mumbled. She really thinks we're friends. I have no friends, and I dont really want any. I needed a way to entertain myself on this boring ass Monday. I bend down & pull out my iPhone 4 & start blasting some "Heisman part 2" by Tyga. I was about to go ham.

"Auuugh. Bitch its T-Raw.

Blood on my paws.

Big booty chick.

Back a nigga to the wall.

Never get involved.

Murder every bar.

Shit so illegal.

Need a green card.

Different cars, different from yall.

I work hard.

You work at the mall.

Pass a bitch off like my nigga John Wall.

Fuck her ina dark.

Gimme the light, Sean Paul.


Bitch i do this shit."

I started cooking & didn't notice anyone walk in. I heard laughing & when I looked up, believe me when I say bricks were shat. T- fucking Raw was standing in front of me.

" Keep going ma". He said and flashed me one of those killer smiles.

" umm... umm.. y-y-you're .. you" I stuttered like an idiot.

He laughed. Great, he thinks Im a joke.

"Yea I know who I am, now who are you beautiful?"

I blushed & looked down. He just called me beautiful, okay Alexis just breathe.

"I'm A-Alexis" I said and took a breathe.

"I like it, a pretty name to match an even prettier face". He said as he licked those plump pink lips.

Tyga P.O.V

I walk into the Supreme store, I needed to cop this new jacket for this party I'm going to tonight. It was empty so I wouldnt have to deal with any fans. Don't get me wrong, I love my fans but I'm in a rush right now.

I walk up to the front counter to see the most gorgeous girl I've ever laid eyes on. I dont think she saw me come in, so I just waited until she finished rapping. I noticed she was spiting bars from "Heisman part 2" she was going in. I started to chuckle when she started cooking. She looked up at me with those beautiful eyes & I was hooked.She stopped rapping immediately.

"Keep going ma" I said'

" umm... umm y-y-youre you" she stuttered. I thought it was cute so I laughed a bit.

I had to know her name.

"Yeah I know who I am, now who are you beautiful?"

She still seemed a little shook, so I gave her a minute.

" I'm A-Alexis" she said. Damn, she was baaaaaaaaad.

"I like it, a pretty name to match an even prettier face" I said & licked my lips. I saw the look in her eyes. I had her where I wanted her.

"Thank you" she said shyly.

I had to get her number, I just had to.

"Listen Alexis, I know I just met you like 6 minutes ago, but you seem real chill. Can a real G get ya digits?" I said in a nerdy voice.

She laughed, I liked her laugh.

" Yeah, sure" she smiled & I gave her my phone. She saved her number & gave it back.

I had to leave, I was running out of time.

" Alright, I got to go. I will talk to you again Alexis!"

I started to walk off and she called me back

"Wait! You didnt buy what you were coming for"

"Don't worry, I got just what I needed". And with that I left the store.

I knew will be seeing more of Alexis. I just had a feeling.

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