Chapter 39

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Tyga POV

I racked my brain trying to remember that girl from last night. Where did I know her from? It's like I know her name, it's on the tip of my tongue but I just don't know. I glanced across at Lex who was watching this episode of Spongebob intensely with Dylan. I looked at Dylan, my son. Alexis, was suppose to be my wife but I guarantee that after I tell her the news I wont see either of them again. I was so close to telling her at breakfast but I bitched out. We were in the kitchen just laughing at Dyl making a mess and I was going to just come clean but I didn't want to see her smile disappear. I swear this shit is eating me alive, now back to this mystery chick... who is she???!! Ive seen her face I know that for sure, before I left last night she gave me a paper with a number and the name as "C". Where'd I put that paper though? I remember crumbling it up and stuffing it in my back pocket.

I eased up from the couch a bit and indeed, the crumbled piece of paper was there.

"Ima go take a shower" I told Lex as I got up and headed to the staircase

"Good cause you stink" she said not taking her eyes off the TV. I smiled and continued up the stairs, I'm going to miss those remarks.


I been sitting on the counter for about 10 minutes now just staring at the paper in my hands. I had the shower on running, I felt like a fucking spy in my own house. I typed the numbers into my phone and pressed the call button. It rang three times then on the fourth ring a voice came through the phone.

"Hello" she said. There was shuffling in the back then it stopped.

"Hello?" she said through the phone again, this time in an irritated voice.

"Yo...." I said not really sure of what else to say. What am I suppose to say? Hey I fucked the shit out of you last night and didnt get your name, so what's it?

"I knew you would call" she said into the other line, I made a face. What the fuck.

"You know who this is?" I asked getting up from the counter and going to look at myself in the full body mirror. She breathed into the phone before laughing

"Yes tyga, you're voice is easy to recognize"

"What's your name?" I asked suddenly, I didnt want to be on the phone any longer.. I just wanted to find out who she was and get off.

"You really dont know? That's surprising since you seemed to be all up in me last night" she said with a little chuckle. I clenched my jaw and looked away from the mirror, I was so close to hanging up but I just needed her name.

"I'm still a little hung over ma, all you told was your name was C" I said laughing and trying to get her to just tell me her damn name was.

"Charity". Charity? Charity? I dont know a Charity.

"Helloooo" she called out into my ear. I ended the call and started taking my clothes off and stepping into the shower. Charity.Charity.Charity. Nope, doesnt ring a bell.

I got out the shower a few minutes later with this girl's name still on my mind. I was sitting at the edge of the bed pulling my white T over my head when it hit me. No. I didnt. I couldnt have.

Alexis POV

I put in the episode of Spongebob with the "Pizza Delivery" (my favorite episode btw). Dyl was cuddled up on me just lying on my stomach watching TV, I swear I love him so much. He doesnt even have to do anything, just be around me and flash me that killer smile and my day is complete. I reached down and picked up my phone from the ground unlocking it.

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