Chapter 34

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Diamond POV

The following morning

I lay in bed just thinking, Why Diamond? Why can't you just see that everyone's not like him. Everyone wont hurt you, everyone wont break your heart. I hated when I got myself worked up about this subject, because then my mind would drift off back to him.


October '09

"What you mean you're leaving!?" I screamed at him as my vision blurred with the tears that were stinging my eyes.

I watched him as he continued to throw his clothing into one of the two suitcases that were on the bed. He ignored me and went into the closet pulling out some jeans.

"Stop ignoring me!" I yelled getting in his face and grabbing the pair of jeans out his hand that he was folding. He sighed loudly and took my hands pulling me into his lap.

"Listen... Diamond you know I love you right?" I nodded because he's told me so many times that it was practically programmed into my brain.

"Well do you love me?" he asked looking into my eyes

"You know I do, why would you ask that?"

"Okay since you love me then you will let me follow my dreams and not hold me back"

I quickly got off his lap and went to the corner of the bedroom, I cant believe he just said that to me.If anything, I was the one who helped him fulfill his dreams. I was the one who made him those beats for his mixtapes, I was the one who drove him to all those little performances he had,I was the one who stayed up all night crying with him when he didnt get a call back for a show, I was the fucking one who funded him studio time down here in Toronto. Right now the tears were running down insanely.

"Baby.. please stop crying" he said his voice cracking on the last word. His eyes glistened and I could tell he was on the verge of cyring too.

"I just have to go out to L.A for a few months and do this rapping shit and I swear I'll send for you"

I looked at him like he was dumb "Send for me? I can pay for my own flight to LA. Why cant you take me with you?" I asked wiping my tears.

I knew I sounded desperate as fuck right now but I didnt care, I've been with this man for three years and I'd be damned if I let him try to play me.

"I cant! aight? I'm trying to make it big, fuck I look like coming into the game with a girlfriend? I need to make it big first then I can bring you in, but until then.... we cant be together" he said the last part looking away from me.

I dont know what came over me but I started throwing everything. Everything that was in grabbing distance of me, I picked it up and threw it at him. I got him a few times and right when I was about to pick up the glass frame he ran over to me and pushed me into the wall.

He slickly took the the frame out of my hand and put it down

"Get away from me!! I fucking hate out!" I spat out coldy. I knew I didnt mean it, but I wanted him to hurt, feel the pain in his heart that I was feeling right now.

He planted a hard kiss on my lips before pulling away and going to get his suitcases. I watched as he walked to the door, he turned around "I will always have love for you Diamond... I just can't do this" he said and walked out the room.

I was contemplating on whether or not I should chase after him, but that would be no use. He already made up his mind and now I was a fragment of his past. That was the last time I spoke to Aubrey Drake Graham, he'll send for me right? I waited for him for so long, then one day while I was watching him on TV it hit me, he doesnt care about you.... he doesnt love you. So I packed up all my shit and moved out to L.A. not to be close to him, but to focus on me becoming a producer. But it's so hard to forget about him, ESPECIALLY when you guys are both in the same business, you always here his name, a beat to his song, something to bring back the memories.

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