Chapter 27

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Tyga POV

It's been a week since my son came into this world and I swear my love for him grows bigger each day.

I was in the room holding him swinging back and forth in the rocking chair Lex begged for me to get. Speaking of Lex, I looked over to her sleeping peacefully on the bed. I know she was exhausted, she's been the one up with Dylan when he would wake up at random hours of the night. Looking at her sleep I realized my love for her has grown an enourmanos amount also.

The blogs been blowing up about Dylan. I know what the fuck is a week year old baby doing on MTO? IDK! I had to cut some of the people I hung out with off for a while, I don't know who sent out the picture of Lex holding Dylan but the only people I allowed around him was lex, Honey,Jamie,my mom and Chris.

I have a feeling that the chick Heather sent the picture out of Dylan. I don't know why but something about her rubbed me the wrong way.


3 hours later.

It was my mom and I in the living room with Dylan. My mom loved Dylan so much it's crazy, I started to think she loved Dylan more than Jamie and I.

She was holding him in her hands

"Mikey, how you feel about being a father?" she asked me randomly.

It caught me off gaurd so I took a minute to answer

"Umm, pretty far I like it, I love my son so much" I paused to look at Dylan who was staring up at my mom

"It's like he completes my life ma, he made me a better man" I said going to sit beside her.

She just smiled at me.


Alexis walked down the stairs a few minutes later yawning. I got up and went over to her.

"Hey sleepyhead" I said placing a sloppy kiss on her cheek.

"Eww Ty" she said pushing me away and laughing.

She still had a little bit of bags under her eyes

"You feel okay? You got enough rest? If you still tired you can go back to sleep" I said throwing question after question at her.

"Ty stop, I'm fine" she said giving me a warm smile.

"I just want to see my baby Dyl" she said walking around me.

"Hi Pasion" Lexi said kissing my mama's cheek.

"Hey lexi girl, you feeling good?" She asked handing Dylan to Lexi.

"Yeah I'm fine, just needed a little nap"

"Nap? Girl you was sleeping for about 5 hours" my mom said looking at the clock.

Lexi let out a laugh

"Well I'm feeling better now that I have my baby" she said smiling down at Dylan.

I swear seeing them together warmed my heart. The two loves of my life.

Alexis POV

"Dyl, you need a bath" I said picking him up from my lap and walking up the stairs with him.

It was only Pasion and me here. Ty went to drop Jamie off at the studio to see Honey. Pasion was in the guest room sleeping, I could tell by the light snores that escaped the crack in her door.

Dylan wasn't able to take a real bath so I just layed his blanket on the bed and started removing his clothes.

"I just wanna see you strip right now, cause it's late babe" I sang to him while taking off his socks.

A smile formed on his face

"You like mommy's singing?" I asked like he was going to respond.

He just widened his smile and I took that as a yes.

I wiped him down with the baby wiped and dressed him in this cute pin-under that Honey got him. I laughed as I sat him up

"You look so cute Dyl"

I went into the rocking chair and started to take my shirt off to feed Dylan.

"I came back just in time" I looked up and saw Ty standing in the doorway looking at me.

I laughed "Shut up".

I took off my tank and pulled down my tube bra.

"damn" I heard Ty say.

I shook my head and started to feed Dyl.

I looked up at Ty and wanted to laugh at the face he was making.

"What's wrong babe?" I asked trying to mask my smile.

"Dylan, I hope you enjoy your time with those because they belong to me".

"Really ty?" I said rolling my eyes.

I finished feeding Dyl and handed him to Ty. Right when I was about to pull up my tube bra the door bell rang.

"I'll get it" Ty said walking away with Dylan in his hands.

I fixed my shirt and walked out the room down the stairs.


When I reach the last step I see Chris loud ass standing there with some chick.

"Yo lex come here, I want you to meet my girl Kae" Chris said cheesin.

Kae? That name sounded real familiar? Oh! That's the bitch who cheated on Chris. I could feel my blood pressure rising because I considered Chris my brother and it hurt me seeing him cry that day in the studio.

I would have to talk to Chris about her later, until then let me find out about this girl.

"Hello.. Earth to Lexi" Chris said waving his hands in my face

"Move nigga" I said laughing "Hi, I'm Alexis" I exteneded my hand for her to shake but she pulled me into a hug

"Um.. okay" I said pulling away.

"Hi! I'm Kae and sorry.. I'm a hugger!"

I just put a fake smile on my face and said "Oh..".

I gave Ty a confused look and he just shrugged his shoulders.

"Little man" Chris said taking Dylan from Ty's hand.

"Wassup homie.. Kae look, this the newset memeber of CBE" Chris said laughing along with Ty and I.

"Oh, cute" she said looking at Dylan and scrunching up her face.


I didn't even want to be here, when Chris said he was taking me somewhere fun I thought he meant the mall. When we pulled up to this mansion I already knew he would be introducing me to some people.

When Chris showed me that baby I didn't have anything good to say about it, I hate kids, but Chris loved kids so I pretended to be interested

"Oh, cute" I said scrunching up my face when he looked away. But I guess that Lexi girl saw me because she started mugging me. Oh well, no fucks given.

I took out the iPhone that Chris got me and went on twitter.

@Karruche : Anywhere else but here > .

I put my phone away, then a few minutes later I got bored with everyone giving that damn baby all the attention so I opened back twitter.

I checked my mentions and one of my fans told me to go check out some @LexiMoore page.

I did and it was her, I read the first tweet

@LexiMoore : The door is to the left :-) .

I looked up and she had a smirk on her face.

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