Chapter 14

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Tyga POV

I still cant believe Alexis thought I was going to leave her just cause some new trick came around. I told her she my heart, and I hope she know I mean that.We were going to this little get together Breezy was throwing, we needed to unwind from this week. It's friday and everyone get loose on Friday.


Alexis was looking bad tonight. Not that she isn't always bad, but damn. what she had on made a nigga wanna break her off. Maybe when we get back ;)

Alexis POV

I text Honey and tell her that Ty & I were leaving in a few, so I'll see her at the party Chris was having.

Ty kept staring at me while I was putting on the finishing touches to my outfit.

"Can you stop" I said looking at him through the mirror

"sheesh. I'm sorry" he said faking innocence

"Dont be sorry hoe, be careful" I said laughing.

I grabbed my coat and we were out the door.

-10 mins later-

We pulled up to this big ass house, it was a little bigger than Ty's just a little. there were cars parked everywhere. Felt like a high school party. Not that I've ever been invited to one, but a girl can dream right?

"Chris lives here?" I asked getting out the car

"Yeah. us king niggas do it big" he said taking my hand

"Fuck outta here, yall houses aint got shit on my condo" I said dusting imaginary dirt off my shoulder

He looked at me and said "you whole house is the size of my bathroom".

I laughed. "Not funny".

We walked through the doors and the smell of liquor mixed with weed and sweat hit me. There were girls looking at Ty up and down like he was a piece of meat. I grabbed onto his hand to let them know he's taken. happily taken.

We went to the bar and Ty ordered a shot, at least one of us needed to be able to drive home so I settled on a Long Island Ice tea.

"stop being a pussy and take a shot" he said downing his 2nd one

"if you want to get home safe tonight I recommend you shut the fuck up" I said sippin my drink.

"Are you calling me a drunk?" he asked with his hand over his mouth

I laughed,before I could answer Chris did

"Yes she is nigga" Chris said giving Ty a dap.

"Alexis you look great" he said raping me with his eyes.

I pulled my dress down a little and gave him a weak smile. "thanks" I said

"Damn nigga stop staring so hard" Ty said hitting Chris in the back of his head.

I bit my lip to keep from laughing.

"Me? oh nah, i was just-" he said trying to defend hisself. Lucky for him Honey came and saved the moment.

"Lexis mercedes bentley!!" she said giving me a hug

"Honey ice tea!" I said hugging her back

Ty and Chris looked at us like we were from another planet.

"Dont hate cause yall aint got cute code names" Honey said

"Fuck that. I'm Big dick Breezy. right Ty" Chris said waiting for ty to dap him up

"Nah nigga. thats gay" he said

We all started laughing. The Dj played "Bring it Back" and Chris grabbed Honey so fast you would of though that nigga was Flash. Honey started throwing it back on Chris, he lil asian ass.

I got up and positioned myself in front of Tyga and started to move my hips to the beat of the music. Ty was really in it, he was banging my shit up.

"I see you ty!" Chris yelled.

I hadnt even noticed a circle form around us as everyone watched me throw it back on Ty. We danced until the song was finished and I had to use the bathroom.

"I'm going to the bathroom" I told Ty catching my breathe.


I went into the bathroom to dry the sweat that was on my face and to apply some more lipstick. I washed my hands and was walking out the bathroom until I was backed in.

"What the fuck" I said looking at the guy.

He turned around and it was Chris.

I laughed. "Chris stop playing, and let me out" I said walking around him to the door.

He cornered me.

"Chris what are you doing?" I asked feeling a little weird.

"You know you look so sexy in that dress?" He said breathing in my ear.

"Chris stop, I have to go" I said hoping he would get out the way.

"Alexis, I want you. I thought I made it clear the first day we met" he said licking his lips.

I know most girls would of died and gone to heaven if Chris Brown said something like that to them. But, I'm not most girls and I'm in a happy relationship.

I pushed him off of me and went for the door, not before turning around and saying "Ty suppose to be your boy. How would he feel if he knew you were up in here trying to get with his girl?"

He put his head down.

"Oh" I said walking out the bathroom.

Only to see Ty there with a confused/shocked/angry look on his face.


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