Chapter 4

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Alexis POV

I went to bed with Tyga on my mind, I hope he doesnt think that I didnt want to kiss him, I just didnt want things between us to move too fast. He's amazing and all, but people can put on acts just to use you. Not saying that Tyga's that kind of person, I just want to take my time with him.

Tyga POV




That's all that I was thinking while driving down the highway. Why did I have to kiss her. Shit. I just pulled a Troy Bolton stunt. I guess I couldnt control myself; she was looking so beautiful and her lips were right there. Damn! I know she said it was okay, but I have a feeling that she was surprised. I have to see her tomorrow and make it up to her.

Alexis POV

-Next morning-

I woke up happy for some reason, I had so much fun with Tyga, the memory of him ending our night with a kiss kept running through my mind. I had work today so I jumped in the shower and decided on something fun. Nothing was going to spoil my day.

I threw on high waisted shorts and a floral crop top and left for work.

Olivia is off today so it's just me running the store. I swear the niggas in NY killed the Supreme trend already since we never get a customer anymore. It was hot last summer, but now only a few tourists or shit come in for directions. I was flipping through a magazine with Tyga on the front, its just a coincidence lol ; when he walked in. I tried to hurry and hide it but I guess he already saw his face.

Tyga POV

I woke up feeling a little better than I did last night, I went into the bathroom to get King'd up and I was off to the Supreme store. I had on something light :

I walk into the store and I immediately spot her. She always seem to be jocking my swagg. Aha. She was reading some magazine, so she didnt see me walk in. I see my face on the front of the new "Source Mag". She looked up, her cheecks turned red, and she tried to hide it, but I already saw.

I chuckled, "It's aight to stalk me ma" I said giving her a smile

"Boy please " she said "I was reading up on my girl Nicki, no one curr bout you"

" I'm hurt" I said holding my heart.

She laughed. why was her laugh so cute? Okay I need to get down to business.

"Alexis, I'm here to apologize for last night, I dont know what came over me... I just couldn't help myself" I said looking in her eyes, searching for something. forgiveness.

" Ty, are you forreal? I told you it was okay. damn. you acting like I didn't enjoy it" she said.

Alexis POV

Shit. Did I just say that out loud?

The look on Tyga's face read "yeaaaaaa I got bitches coming to me"

I laughed " sorry" I said while looking down.

He put his ifnger on my chin and lifted my head up "You know you cute af when you do that shy blushing thing right?" he asked licking his lips.

I had to look away before my panties were drenched.

"You want to go to lunch?" he asked

"Yeah... but I'm still on my shift" I said

"Aint nobody coming in this store ma, it look like yall aint get a customer in years" he said blowing the dust off one of the hangers.

"Excuse me, If I recall ... your yellow ass was in here yesterday"

"Nah tha-" he tried ot say before I cut him off.

"O." I said

He laughed " come on, I know you hungry"

"Actually I'm no-" right then my stomach had to grumble and give me away.

I blushed, " Okay I'm in"

I get my bag from the back. Lock up the store and we were off to wherever he had planned for us.

Genuine Love - tyga fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora