They come to our house

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Teleahas POV
same day

Lox and I changed and I changed into blue jean short shorts, a black and white singlet and I brushed by hair and it went curly then I went into the guest bedroom and got Two shirts and two shorts and gave them to the boys and the boys and I went downstairs and sat in the loungeroom and my phone rang

Teleaha: hello
Loxy: teleaha can you come up here
Teleaha: why
Loxy: just come please
Teleaha: fine be right there

I hung up and said I'll be back and ran upstairs and went to lox and she said "can we play 21 questions" I said "yeah sure" I heard the front door open and close and I whispered "I think the guys are here" I walked to my room and put my key around my neck and my da boss hat on and grabbed my pocket knife and put in my pocket and walled down stairs and said "what the hell you can't walk into my house" they looked at me and hayes said "these are our friends" I said "I honestly don't give a shit you know why you can't be here" Grayson said "why can't he" I said "he forced me to tell him that I have depression, he sent me into hospitik because I had a fit, he calls my fad worthless but he fought and died it the army and he went in to the room that he wasn't allowed because I would give him the key" Grayson said "Teleaha calm down" Grayson and Ethan stood up and all the boys backed away and I grabbed the knife out of my pocket and opened it and put it to my side and I said "you humiliated me in front of the school for be a biker and dating a biker" I yelled "lox are the girls coming soon" after I said that they walked threw the door and they saw the knife and I said "girls if you were my friends you would of fallen in lobe with them lox are coming with me or staying" she said "I'm coming" I grabbed my black dance hoodie and she grabbed her red one and we ran to the stables and I tacked flicka and hope up and lox got on hope and I got on flicka and we went out of the stable and the boys were standing outside with Grayson and Ethan and the girls I looked at lox and nodded and we ran to the front of the house and walked down the driveway and Grayson called my name and I said "leave me alone I've ran away a million times I am with the one person that cares about me" I turned to mahogany and we ran to the end of the driveway and went to mums house and we put the horses in the shed out the back and we went to bed.

Stubbon Love *Discontinued*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ