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Teleahas POV
sane day

I diecided I would change so I put on a loose purple long sleeve crop top that says in silver across it 'wild', blue jean shorts, purple Jordan's and a grey flop beanie and I brushed my hair and left it down and put my beanie then I grabbed my phone and plugged my earphones I put one in my ear and put on 'after taste' by Shawn mended I love that song then I grabbed my board and walked down stairs and said to the boys "I'm going to see mum and issy" then I slipped my phone in my pocket and left I jumped on my board and went to the hospital to see mum so I walked in and saw mum her back was to me I picked my board up and walked up to her and hugged her from behind and said "I'm really sorry mum" I started to cry and she turned around and hugged my then I said "I better go see issy" and she nodded and I left.

Issy's house

I diecided to surprise her so I hide my board in a bush and climbed on her room and went to her window she was lying on her bed crying so I tapped on her window and put my hands in the shape of a heart and she looked up and walked over to her window and I said "can I come in" she nodded and once I got in she hugged me and I said "sorry" she nodded and I said "hay bestie we should hang for awhile" and she said "yeah but where is your board" I said "well I hide it in a bush out the front" and we poth laughed and she changed into dark blue shorts, a white Long sleeve crop top that said across it in purple 'crazy' , white Jordan's and a white slouch beanie and she grabbed her phone and put her earphones in and sh listened to 'stiches' by Shawn mended and she grabbed her board and said "I will ask but you will have to go out the window" I nodded and went out the window and grabbed my board and two minutes later she came out and we left...

Stubbon Love *Discontinued*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon