Stay away from me!

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Same day*

Teleahas POV*

i was explaining to carter what had happened to me so I walked back in the house and got a drink of water when someone walked into the room and I turned around and it was Hayes so I put my cup in the sink when Hayes said "can I talk to you please" and i said "you have 30 seconds"and he said "ok I am so sorry for slaping I was just in a bad mood sorry" and I said "what so you had to take it out on me I will tell you this now I am a lot like Carter we have fun I guess you haven't heard of fun" when I heard a knock on the door so I walked over to the door and saw marcus , marcus was my best friend and my mum asked if he could pick me up so i let him come in and hayes said "who the hell is this!" and i said " hayes settle the f*** down its a friend" and i led marcus to my roo and we grabbed my stuff and walked down stairs and put my stuff in his car when i remembered my iphone 6 so i told him that i forgot my phone and ran back upstairs and went in to my room and grabbed my phone and walked back downstaira to see hayes at the bottom of the stairs and he said "dont go back to california" and i said "haha you cant tell me what to do" and walked down stairs and gave all the boys hugs and said bye to themm and when i walked outside marcus picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and started to spin me around and i was laughing and screaming softly and all the boys were standing at the door and then Marcus put me down and I hugged him because I was diisy and then he kissed me on the cheek when Hayes came running out and punched Marcus and Marcus didn't want to punch him back and I was yelling at Hayes with tears and i ran inside and yelled at the boys "GUYS HAYES IS HURTING MARCUS PLEASE HELP!" and all the boys ran out and pulled Hayes away from Marcus and I got on my knees helping Marcus up and then I looked up at Hayes and he was looking at me and so carter helped me get Marcus up and helped him in the house and went into the kitchen and told Marcus to sit down and he did and I got a tea towel and wiped away the blood on Marcus's face and we walked out the door and when we were near the car Hayes came running out and said "Teleaha wait please" and I said "stay away from me and Marcus you are a monster" with tears coming down my face and I quickly jumped in the car and I told Marcus to drive....

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