After party

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Teleahas POV

It was now the speeches to the bride and groom and it was my turn so I walk on stage and grave the mic and start saying

Hi I wanted to say congrates to Ben and faith even though I haven't known Ben for a long time I can tell by the way he looks at faith thinking she is beautiful and he will cherish and protect her as much as he can.

I start walking to her and grab her hand

Faith the beauty runs in the family of course she got it from me I have known faith for thirteen years the most wonderful years of my life with this amazing girl and I would like to spend more with her and my 3 baes mahogany, rozy and lily I know that I will love them
And Ben if you hurt faith I'm coming for you I love you both and I hope I find love like yours one day

I kissed faith on the cheek and fist bumped Ben and gave the mic back to lox and she played the music and we danced but since faiths dad had died I walked up to her and said to her "may I have this dance" she grabbed my hand and I led her to the dance floor and everyone was watching so I put my hands on her waist and she put her hands on my shoulders and we slow danced and then Ben took over and I danced with lox then hayes came over and said "mahogany can I take over" she nodded and left I put my hands on his shoulders and he put his hands around my waist and slow danced then someone came from behind me and put their arms around my waist and I turned around and it was Marcus I squealed and hugged him and he picked me up and spun me around and I was laughing then he put me down and I looked at hayes he was facing the ground so I put my hands on his shoulders and said "hayes what's wrong" he looked up he had tears in his eyes I said "hayes what's wrong" he said "leave me alone" I said "no hayes tell me what's wrong" he said LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE" everyone looked at us and I started crying and said "I never want to see you again" I ran to the change room and changed into reddish high waisted skinny jeans, a creamy coloured knited crop top sweater, black converses, a brown hand bag and threw my hair in a high pony tail and I walked into the room where everyone is dancing and I got yo find lox I finally found her dancing with someone so I walk up to her and said "lox I'm leaving" she said "do you want me to come" I said "ni you stay and have fun" and I went to find faith and ben sitting down and I walk to them and said "I'm going home guys" faith said "teleaha are you okay" I said "I just need to leave" she nodded and I walked out the door to my motor bike and jumped on it and left and when I got home and went to bed

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