Why did he do that

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Teleahas POV

I don't sleep so I changed into white high waisted shorts, a adios half hoodie and white conversesand I didnt put the knife on and grabbed my phone and walked downstairs and to the stables and tacked up flicka and i noticed hope was gone so i jumped on flicka and ran to the drive way to see hayes has her so i jump off and walk to hope and grabbed the reins and take her off hayes and grab flicka and walked to the fields and took the saddle off hope and stuck it on the fwnce and got on flicka and saw hayes jump the fence and so i walk to him and said "why the hell would you take her" he said "i wanted to ride her" I said "shit not this again" I rode to the fence and tied up flicka and got of her and I ran to lox which was standing at the fence and I hugged her and hayes said "what's wrong with her" lox said "Hayes if something happened to the horse she won't stop shaking they are the last thing she has of her sister because she loved horse" after awhile she left and I took off hopes saddle and took the bridle off and put a hulter on her and I got back into flicka still holding hopes rope and I slowly walk around the field then I took the hulter off her and let her run around while I was standing in flick while was moving until hayes stopped her and I looked at him and sat down and pilled her away from him and said "what do you want" he said "I'm sorry for why I did I was just angry at a friend am_" I cut him off by saying "what so you took it out on me" he nodded and I said "u need to see faith" he said "what's that key around your neck" I said "its none of your business" with out him replying I took off down the rode and after awhile I stopped and turned around and walked home then my phone rang

Teleaha: hello
Loxy: teleaha where are you are you OK
Teleaha: I'm fine I had to get away from hayes because he asked about the key
Loxy: you didn't tell him he has been trying to get in to your secret room oh god he opened the door get home now

I hung up and when I got home I put flicka in the yard and ran inside to see the door open and I ran into the room to see hayes was standing there so I grab him by the back of the shirt and throw him to the floor and yelled "WHAT THE HELL HAYES WHY ARE YOU IN HERE" he said "what is this" I said "no no no this can't be happening" he said "what" I yelled "LOXY" I was shaking so bad i fell to the floor she picked me up and put me in her var and drove me to the hospital and the lady said "oh my god what's wrong with her" lox said "she is depresses and when it gets too strong she has fits help her please" that's all I remember before blacking out...

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