Haha gotcha

19 0 0

One week later
Teleahas POV

Faith is taking me home today so i get up and put on light blue studded high waist shorts, a black and whit jack Daniels singlet, black converse and my cap and I brushed my hair and put the cap in backwards and we left..

North Carolina

I hope the boys are gone and we just arrived back at the house and I said to faith while still in the car "hay I have an Idea wyou will go some where so they won't see you and I will text the girls and say that I am nearly in north Carolina and that the boys will be gone and they will rush out the door k" and she nodded and I got out and she left and I stood about a metre away from the door and lean against the wall and I text the girls in the the group chat

Teleaha: I'm just about to get into north Carolina the boys better be gone

Rose:yeah they are

Teleaha: good

I diecided to video it so I got the video camera off my phone and recorded it and I said

Hay got home and the magcon boys are still here when I told them not to here they come

Then the come running out the door and to the car and I said "haha I knew you guys wouldn't of left god those girls a cheeky" I look at the door and the girls are standing there and I yelled "faith you can come back now" and she did and the boys quickly jumped and there car and I said "they won't get no where with out the key but don't tell them" and four girls walked inside and started laughing the he came and grabbed the key and left.

Stubbon Love *Discontinued*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu