he cheated on me

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Teleahas POV*

I woke up and looked at my click and it was 7:00am and I'm supposed to be at toms in 15 minutes so I get up and put on a black and white crop top, blue short shorts, brown sandels, some brackets and grabbed my brown one strap bag and phone and board and went down stairs and the boys were awake soi said "hay guys I have to go to toms I'll be back in an hour and a half for a meeting cya" .

At toms house*

I knocked on toms door and his mother answered it and she said tom was in his room so I went up the and I could hear kissing noise I walked straight in and saw tom making out with a girl he looked up and said "Teleaha I'm so sorry its not what it looks like" I said " tom its over between us" and I ran out the door and skated home and I ran straight inside and the boys looked at me and I ran up to my room and washed my face and then there was a knock on the door and the person walked straight in and it was Hayes and carter and when they saw the bruises on my face cater said "what happened" i said " these bruise arnt from tom and I broke up with tom because he was cheating on me"

I went to bef

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