I ran away

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Teleahas POV
Same day

Oh my god I can't take them any more I'm running away I grab my back pack and put clothes in there some water food and I diecided to change into loose black jeans, a heart~Teleahaa greyish white flop beanie. And black converses and I put my hair in a side plait and put a bandanna over my mouth so you can only see my eyes then I put my hoodie over my hear I put my phone charger in the bag, a flash light, a hair brush, fire starters and a lighter and I write a note to mum, the boys and issy first of I start with the boys

Dear magcon boys
I'm sorry I have to do this I can't take the fighting between carter and I it broke my heart that he brought up faith one of us has the leave I knew he would stay but it breaks my heart to do this I'm going somewhere far away from California
I love you all dearly forever and always in your heart~Teleaha

Now the one for mum

Dear mum
I know this will break your heart reading this its breaking mine while writing it the reason I left is because carter and I had a fight and he brought up faith I'll come back later
You always have and always will be in my heart forever and always I love you~Teleaha

Now Issy's

Dear issy if your reading this I would have ran away I want to say that you are the best friend I always have I have given mum and the boys a note different to this you need to stay strong dont show the boys this and act like you didnt get one I will be heading for Florida I will miss you I will find you later got to leave hold this to your chest and think of me I love you forever and always in my heart~Teleaha

I grabbed sticky tap and my bag and the notes and phone and climbed out of the window first I got a price of sticky tape and tapped the guys note to the front door and then my mums next to it and knocked and I hide around the corner and one of the boys opened the door and grabbed the notes then I ran to issys and did the same and knocked and she opened the door and looked at the note and started to cry then began to run to the highway to Florida.....

Stubbon Love *Discontinued*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ