My step mum died

16 0 0

Teleahas POV

My leg is still bleeding and right now I am putting my bike in mums shed and I unlocked the door and went inside and I left clothes here just in case I come back to visit and so I changed onto blue short shorts, a blue loose crop top that said 'okay okay' in speech clouds, blue and white converses a quarter moon necklace and I brushed my Hair and put the hat back on and grabbed my shoulder bag an instead of bring my big knife I brought a small pocket knife and I grabbed my skate board and walked downstairs with dry blood on my leg and I go to the hospital and when I get there I pick up my board and walk into the hospital and go to the front desk and the lady said "hello how may I help you" I said "um I need someone to check the cut on my leg" and after awhile I was take in to a room and I sat on the bed and a nurse cleaned the cut and she said "well it doesn't need stitches but I'll put a bandage on it" after she did that I left the hospital and felt like I need to go home so u grabbed the clothes that I came in and left on my motobike and when I got home I limped inside and layed on the lounge then someone knocked on the front door so I got up and opened the door and it was my muns from work and I said "how may I help you" she said "teleaha I'm so sorry but your mum did make it I'm so sorry" I said "thank you goodbye I will go yo her house tomorrow and get the stuff" and I closed the door and I ran out to the stable and tacked up flicka and ran to faiths house since lox was there and when I got there nash and the guys car was there so I tied flicka up and knocked on the door and Nash answered it and I pushed past him and ran to lox and she looked at me and stood up and hugged me and said "hay what's wrong" I said "mum died" everyone looked at us and I started crying and lox said "faith Ben thankyou for inviting me over im gonna go" and we walked out the door and since lox got a ride with faith we both got on flicka and started walking down the driveway when someone said "teleaha wait" I turned and it was nash and I said "lox hold on tight" she wrapped her arms around my waist and we ran home and once we got home we went to bed.

Stubbon Love *Discontinued*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora