Im in florida

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Teleahas POV
same day/night

I was on the high way and a car drove past so I hide when I got a call from issy I answered it

Issy: Teleaha where are you

Teleaha: im sorry issy i know your eith the guys goodbye i love you

I had to hang up on her because the boys would track my phone i was already in florida so i diecided to change in to light blue skinny jeans, a long sleeve black crop top, gold and white converses, a black beanie, a gold watch and sunglasses and let my hair down and diecided to walk to roses house but there was a familiar looking car oh sh*t its Nash's so I walked around the back of the house and climbed through roses window she was in there and I tapped on the window and looked up I put my fingers to my lips and she opened the window and she whispered "what are you doing here" I said "carters here isn't he" she nodded I said "don't tell them in here I ran away yesterday carter and I had a fight" she nodded and she let me hide in her secret cupboard thing in the wall and after away she told me to come out so I did and I explained everything to her and went to bed.

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