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Teleahas POV

I was wearing the things from yesterday and justin yelled out "girl wear something nice but no skirts or dressed OK" we both said OK and I had the first shower and dried my hair and it went curly fast then I put on a pair of yellow skinny jeans, blue sleeve less superman crop top, blue converses yellow cat ears and a silver necklace that has a music note on it and lox put on red skinny jeans, a white sleeveless superman crop top, yellow converses, red cat ears and a silver necklace that has a heart on it then I grab my small hand bag and put my phone and money in it and lox did the same and we put black eyeliner and mascara but i put my license in mine and we walk downstairs and justin said "whos keys are these" and i walk up to him and take them off him and i sai whats the address im not going in your car i'll go on my bike" and lix said "same I've been in your cars they stink" he gave us the address and we left.


We were nearly there when we heard girls screaming so i stopped and looked at them and they were running to us and pne said "are you justin bieber stay away from him and what are you doing with mahogany lox on you bike" i said "girst of all im not dating justin he is my cousin and second of all mahogany is my older sister and i get to sing with justin bye girls" and we hot to the studio and i parked my bike and we entered the studio and we went to the counter and the lady said "hello how may i help you" i said "where here to see justin bieber" she said "sorry hun he cant have fans in there" i said "mahogany and i are his cousins" she said "sorry I can't believe you" I said "fine I'll call him"

Teleaha: hay just the lady at the front desk won't let us in can you come out here please

Justin: yeah sure bye

A door opened and justin walked out and hugged us and he said "come on girl bye Lucy" and we walked in the studio and I said "so what are we singing" he said "we are sing As long as you love me" I nodded and we started

Finished the song

And I grabbed my keys and bag and loxy and I got on my motor bike and left.

Justin's house

We just walked in to Justin's house and the news was on and the man said

A 13 year old had ran away with her older sister after she had admitted to hurting a young boy keep your eye out.

I said to loxy "girl turn your phone off" she said "why" I said "they can trace our phones and we need to leave we can't stay here anymore after people saw us like those Gil's" she nodded and we had to change clothes

Stubbon Love *Discontinued*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant