Truth comes out

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Teleahas POV

My mum called me and she said that she is coming here and that there is something she needs to talk about so I got up and had a shower then I changed into blue high waiatwd Jean shorts, a black crop top, and a long cardigan that goes to the bottom of my shorts and black converses and when I was done I brushed my hair but I have a secret I don't have naturally straight hair my hair is like mahogany's but blonde and I straightened it because no one knows except for mahogany and I put a black cap on backwards then there was a knock on the door I walked down and opened it and it was mum and so we walked into the lounge room and sat down and I said "what did you need to talk about" she said "I have been lying to you your whole life" I said "mum what do you mean" she said "I'm not your real mother and you arnt related to carter" I said "then who is my real mum" she said "mahogany is your older sister" I said "omg that's why" she said " what do you mean that's why" I said "mum ever since I was ten I have been straightening my hair I have hairl egzactly like mahogany mum" she said "but teleaha you can't tell them you know carter doesn't know but the lox family does" without thing I grabbed my bike keys and drove of and while I was driving I took my hat off and my hair went natural and I went to loxy.

At loxys house

I got off my bike and ran up to the door and knocked and sally answered but I went straight past her and ran to loxys room and when she saw my hair she said "penny told you huh" I nodded and ran over to her and hugged her and now sally joined us and we talked for a bit and I said "hay loxy if your allowed you can move out and live with me and the girls" and she said to her mum "mum please can I move in with her and the girls" she nodded and left and we packed her room we put her stuff in loxy car and she drove her car and I drove my bike and left.

At home

Carter and Nash's cars were her and so I slipped my bike in the shed and I said "hay lox since I'm strong do you want a piggy back" she said "but I'm heavy" u said "your skinnier than the boys and I've carried them and they were light" and she nodded and jumped on and we walked in side and I forgot my hair was in curls like loxy and when we entered with lox on my back everyone looked at us and their eyes were widened and carter said "what's going in here penny won't tell me, mahogany is here and you hair is curly like hers" I gave mum a look and she nodded and I nodded "I think this might be hard on you but lox is my older sister I was adopted and you arnt my cousin" he was crying so I walked up to him and gave him a hug but he pushed backwards and I hit my lip and it was bleeding and I looked up at him crying and I stood up and grabbed my keys out of my pocket and ran out the door but I remembered I put it in the shed so I turned around they were outside and I said "I'm sorry I didn't tell you" and I turned around and started running but you know loxy she caught up and she hugged me and I cried into her and we started walking back and carter smirked so I walked up to him and punched me in the jaw and he fell down to the ground and he had a bruise in his cheek and I yelled "DONT YOU EVER TOUCH ME AGAIN I NEVER WANT TO SHE ANY OF YOU AGAIN GOT IT" and I rn up to loxy and hugged her and after a while I turned around and the boys were crowd around carter and they were looking at him and I said "I'm gonna go for a walk to clear my head and to be alone I will be back later" and the nodded and I walked off and started crying.
After awhile I diecided to go back and I got back why are...

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