why is he following me

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Teleahas POV*

Same day*

"Carter and I were arguing so I walked out and came her" I told lilly and then she said she had to go to lunch so I left and just to say I was there for five hours so I decided to go to star bucks then I left and went to the skatepark at skated until I saw hayes , matt and aeron so I quick went and hide and called Marcus and he answered

"Hay" I said

"Hay" he said

"Marcus can I stay at your house for the night" I said

"Why" he said

"Carter and I had I fight and I need to get away from him please" I said

"Yeah sure do you need me to pick you up" he said

" nah I will just go home and grab some stuff and skate there ok thank you" I said

And I hung up so before I go home I decided to get marcus his favourite chocolate it was vegimite chocolate and I got myself caremel chocolate and so I ride back to my house and carters car is gone and luckely my bedroom door is lock but the windows open so I climbed up the latter and got into my room and I git my blue ripped skinny jeans, my pink and white ying yang crop top, black and white converses, my ying yang ring, and my sun glasses and went back out of the window and rode down the drive way when carter was pulling into the drive way so I quickly hide in the bush until they went inside and I rode off and when I got to marcus's house and knocked on the door and marcus opened it and I told marcus everything and went to bed.

Stubbon Love *Discontinued*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن