Chapter One

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Chapter One

"Thank you for coming to the funeral of Riannon Elizea Thomas today. It would mean a lot for Riannon to see her friends and family here. It is a sad thing that she was taken from us at such an early age. Her best friend Sky, or Jonathan to us would say that she was a fun loving girl 17-year-old girl who loved to chitchat, play The Sims, was great at water polo, and loved to dance and sing. Even though she was taken from us at such a young age, it is our duty to stand up today and remember her for what she had accomplished in life. She was in the running for Valedictorian next year and a great person all around. Thank you for all coming to her funeral and paying respects to her death."

I stopped and no one said a word. I had at least expected someone to clap. Come on people, I died for crying out loud! The least they could do was clap!

It was dead silent I knew that people didn't know anything really about me and I couldn't tell them that my life has been perfect for 17 years, that my dad owned his own multi-million dollar company that produces some stupid computer software, and that I was rich but hated it.

I couldn't tell the whole class that our house is beyond amazing but I hate having a whole floor all to myself and that my brother was shipped off to Iraq seven years ago and still not back.

I really couldn't tell the whole class that my whole family was beyond gorgeous but me. I was average looking but it wasn't my fault that we all looked the same. After all my mother was the spokes model for Revlon for a few years back when she was young so she is of course the most beautiful thing you have ever seen.

"Riannon that was very touching, thank you," spoke my teacher. I quickly nodded in agreement and went to sit down in my seat where no one could stare at me or ridicule me.

As someone else stood up to do his or her Eulogy, I drifted off into lala land. I was happily in my own world until the end of the class.

I was mostly thinking about my looks and my family. I had a pretty good life. It was a shame that I hated it.

I was defiantly the "odd ball" in my family. My brother was voted "most popular" all four years of high school. I'm average. I don't drink or anything like that. My one and only best friend Jonathan Skyler Lancaster (Sky) hangs out with me on the weekends. I loved my Sky.

He's the best friend that anyone could ever ask for male or female. He has the perfect 8-pack abs because he is crazy athletic, short brownish hair, and gorgeous green eyes. I always take him shopping and he is the reason that I am not always alone at school not being the "popular one."

Do not worry I am not in love with my best friend I know his little secret (he is gay).

We met a few years ago when I was in 5th grade when my family moved here for my dad's company. I was the new awkward girl with big glasses and couldn't walk over my own two feet without tripping. He saved me from social suicide and still does to this day.

The only other one who talks to me at school is Sky's boyfriend Ethan because Sky makes him.

It's a shame that Sky is my friend because he could be one of the popular kids. I know my story may seem like I have it easy, but I'm not happy. My parents always expect too much from me and I could never live up to my brother's high standards.

I snapped out of it as the class erupted into a roar of clapping and laughter as Ashley Ryder did a little bow and walked back to her seat. Ashley was the "popular girl" who absolutely hated my guts.

I glanced at the clock.

Summer vacation starts in exactly four minutes from now. This class, 8th period English 11, seems like it takes forever to get over. This is the most boring class ever. Thank god our last major project was writing our own eulogies. I was not excited to write mine because I have not done anything special during this year since I was just "average."

Mrs. Voans, my least favorite teacher who has ratty hair and smelly breath now stood in front of the class announcing that everyone had passed and that Ashley's eulogy was touching and heartfelt. I was just relieved that it was almost over. I can't wait to start summer. I honestly want to get a new start on life going into next year.

I stood up when the bell rang and waited until the class was empty before I left. It was no use trying to push my way to the front of the line; everyone would push me over anyway.

I had nothing to do this summer except hang out with Sky and hopefully change into someone who was more outgoing and a little bit more fun.

As I exited the class, Mrs. Voans stopped me.

"Good job with your eulogy. You have potential next year young lady." I could smell her nasty breath as she hugged me.

"Thanks, um, can you let me go?" I couldn't stand it any longer.

"Sure, sure, just make sure that you keep your pretty little head on straight young lady."

Yea right, as if I was going to be like this next year. I was hoping that this summer would finally let me break out of my "boring" shell and start a new chapter in my life.

I was at my locker before I saw my stunning best friend walking toward me. One quick "hello" to Sky and I would be at home like normal on a Friday night and he would meet me later after his "popular" duties and we would sit and watch old horror movies in my big house.

He stopped in front of my locker and had his "I'm daydreaming" look. I knew just how to snap him out of it. A smile appeared on my face as my hand connected with his face.

Well, what do you think so far?





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