"STAY HERE" they both yelled and i stomped my foot and was going to go back to the couch when the door swung open. Jake walked in with Jasmine behind him. That explains the smell so much.

"Jake" i said and he hugged me but was careful because of the badge.

"i love you" He said kissing my cheek

"i love you too" i said with a smile

"why didn't you listen , you could have got hurt a lot worst" Jake scolded

"as long as you where safe i didn't care" i said and he smiled at me hugged me again

"our tempers match now" Jake laughed

"yup... i wonder if im as strong as you guys all the time now" i said sitting down. Jasmine sat next to Embry and he got up and moved across the room and leaned against the wall. That's weird your suppose to want to be around your imprint and protect them and he just moved away from her. I when and hugged her the best i could. I pulled away and gave Jake a 'do something' look but he just shrugged. I glared at Embry and he looked down.

"whats wrong with you , your not suppose to hurt your imprint like that" i snapped at him he looked up with tears in his eyes.

"it hard to be around her like that" He said truthfully i didn't sat anything i just looked at Jake.

"Then just break up with me Embry , instead of avoiding me just break up with me , we'll both be happier" Jasmine said with a crack in her voice

"i cant the imprint wont let me" Embry mumbled looking down.

"then i will , its over Embry" Jasmine said and ran out of the house at lighting speed. Embry looked like he had been shot , tears fell from his eyes.

"don't cry Embry , you done it to yourself" i snapped and Jacob came and pulled me out of the room.

"you have to chill that's his imprint and she just left him" he said

"but didn't you see the way he treated her" I asked

"yes i did but lets just not say anything about it" Jacob said and then Xavier walked into the room.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER" he yelled at Jacob looking at the badge.

"he didn't do it , a leech did ---" i got cut off


"he didn't do it , a leech did---" Selena got cut off and i started to shake a little

"don't call them that" He snapped at her

"leave , she doesn't want you here and i defiantly don't , how about you go find your bloodsucker father and tell him where looking for him for not showing up to the fight" I snapped at him and Selena put her hand on my back and i calmed down a little.

"I hope you happy with yourself about that fight because one of the wolves you killed imprinted on Amber and now shes depressed" He snapped at me

"well they shouldn't of tried to kill me" Selena snapped

"going against blood im disappointed" he snapped and walked out of the house. I turned around and gently pulled Selena into a light kiss. I was afraid i was going to hurt her , she put her good hand on the back of my neck and pulled me in even closer and deepened the kiss. After a couple minutes she pulled away biting my lip.

"stop being scared your going to hurt me" She whispered and i kissed her forehead and we walked into the living room to see that Embry left. I feel bad for him because his imprint just left him , i know Selena is just trying to take up for her cousin. Selena when and sat in Seth's lap.

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