When he first sees you

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Orayt!! This is the first part. Enjoy!!!


You were walking on your way home when suddenly a basketball just rolled in front of you. You pick it up and stared at it.

"Oh sorry, its mine." You notice a red-haired guy running towards you.

"Oh, sorry. Here." You gave the ball back to him.

"Th-thanks." You notice him blush and suddenly he just ran.

You got confused as to why he suddenly looked like that. So you just continued your way home.


You went to Maji burger to buy your favorite milkshake.

"I'll take some milksha-"

"Excuse me, but-"

"AHH!" You screamed, surprised to see a blue-haired guy suddenly appearing right beside you.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to startle you." He apologized, pokerfaced.

"Its not a problem." You laughed at yourself.

"I just want to ask if this keychain belonged to you." He showed you a keychain, you were surprised that it really belonged to you.

"Oh yeah, this is mine. Thank you." You smiled at him. Then he smiled back.


You went to the magazine store and saw a magazine with a hot guy in the front page.

"Wow, he looks really good." You talked to yourself as you flipped through the pages.

"Wow, thanks!" Someone suddenly spoke to you, making you jolt.

You furrowed your eyes, wondering that he looked alike from the guy in the magazine you're holding.

"So... you're this guy?" You asked, pointing at the magazine.

"Yeah. I was actually glad to receive a compliment from a cute lady." He flirted and smiled. You felt shy about how he addressed you, but you were happy to see him in person for the first time.


You went to the school gym to find your lost notebook when you suddenly saw someone still shooting balls at the basket ring.

"Ah, excuse me?" You called you, but regretting it because you disturbed him.

"Do you need anything?" He asked, walking towards you.

"I-I lost my notebook. Do you, by any chance, saw one?" You shyly asked him.

"You mean, this one?" He asked, as he took a notebook at the bleachers.

You suddenly realized that it was really your notebook.

"Yeah, that's the one." You smiled as he gave you the notebook. "Thanks."

"Y-you're welcome." He pushed his glasses up and looked away from you.

You were about to leave when he suddenly calls out.

"Excuse me..."

"Yes?" You stopped on your tracks.

"What's your sign?"

"(your sign)"

"Well, I was just asking, nanodayo." Then he went back inside.

You suddenly thought of how cute he was.


You were tanning yourself under the sun, with only wearing your bikini. When suddenly a guy approached you.

"Woah, some big tits you have there." He smirked at you.

You got mad and blushed at the same time.

"PERVERT! GET OUT OF HERE!" You threw sand on his face, causing him to rub his eyes.

"Oi! That hurt!" He whined.

"Go away, you asshat!"

"Oi, who're you calling asshat?!" He argued.

"Stupid, just get away!" You threw a beach ball at him.

He just chuckled and walked away. While you were watching him walk, you felt the anger in your head.


You were buying something at the supermarket. When you try to reach up at the milk carton at the very top of the shelf. But you can't reach it.

"Its... too... high." You tiptoed to reach but you failed.

"Here you go." A large man suddenly took the milk carton and gave it to you.

"Th-thank you." You were shocked from how tall he was, wondering if he is a giant.

"You're welcome." He said and suddenly took a bite from the pocky in his mouth and walked away, while you were still shocked about how tall he was.


You were walking around the the hotel when you suddenly got lost because you just moved in.

"Excuse me, are you lost, miss?" You noticed a guy with dark pink hair, approaching you.

"Y-yeah. Somehow." You laughed shyly.

"Please tell me, how can I be of help?" He asked kindly.

"Well, I was looking for the exit." You told him.

"Then please, allow me to lead you." He smiled kindly and escorted me outside the hotel.

You smiled because pf his kindness and gentlemanly act towards you. And for the credit, you thought of how good-looking he was.

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