Astrid ran to the forest. Stormfly was behind her running. Astrid stopped at the middle and looked around. Looks like she was looking for something or someone, and also she wanted to make sure no one is following her. She looked around and walked to a tree. She tapped the trunk three times, like a knocking a door. But it was actually a signal.

She leaned the tree by her back and asked no one:"So, what's the news?"

A male voice came from the other side of the tree:"Their army is almost ready. But it's not so far."

"How long?" Astrid asked.

"If you are lucky and Gods help us, they will attack in five days!"

"That's not enough. Did you see any unusual thing when you traveled there yesterday?"

"No, but I'm sure their Bewilderbeast is larger than before. It's too risky to get in war with them. Are you sure about this Ms. Astrid?" the stranger asked.

Astrid sighed."No, but it's the only way that I could make up for Hiccup."

"You know Ms. Astrid, you can tell him about that's you are not the person he thinks you are."

"No, I will do it after the war. I should prove that I had to leave but didn't know it will end by this."

"But you-" Astrid cut him.

"Enough Johann! I know what I am doing. What else you got?"

Johann sighed."Just noticed they are so willing to destroy Berk."

"Thanks. If you get more information, you know how to call me. Just blow the horn and Stormfly and I will come." She said as he nodded. Astrid mounted on Stormfly and flew away.

When she was flying she kept thinking about what just Johann said. Does she really need to tell Hiccup about herself? Is that the right time? Maybe if she does, Hiccup will-

No! She can't do it now. She left him for ten years and she shouldn't expect his warm greeting. He will be mad at her and she doesn't want it. She must be Camicazi till the end of the war. Till the time he understands she had to leave because of him. She just hoped it will work.

She landed near Heather's house as Heather came out from it. Heather smiled and said:

"How are yo-" Astrid cut her off.

"We need to talk."
"What?" Heather shouted.

"You heard me. They will attack in five or six days. We have to get every dragon in archipelago and make an army.

"Okay. But first let's tell Hiccup about it." She ran to Windshear. Astrid ran in front of her and opened her arms, prevented her from mounting.

"What are you doing?" Heather asked. Astrid dropped her arms and sighed.

"Look...I know we have to go and warn Hiccup about it, but it ruins everything including Sapphire's birthday."

"You can't do it because of a little birthday. We must focus on the war."

Astrid folded her arms with her head down. She turned back and said quietly.

"I know, but it's Hiccup's best chance to make up. I can't ruin his chance."

"What are you talking about? What do you mean by his chance?"

"Well, I have been trying to make their relationship in a better way. I am being successful till now and I don't want it fails."

Heather becomes more confused and faces her.

"I...I don't get it!"

"Look I know that Johann told me they are stronger than before but I can't do that."

Heather didn't say anything.

Astrid looked at her with a sad expression and said:" I want we will be a happy family again like we were before." When she said that she realized what she just said. Heather becomes even more confused.

"First Johann talked to you so that means you knew each other before and now you say you want to be a happy family again with Hiccup and Sapphire?"

Astrid turned around. She didn't want her know. But now it's the only way.

"Camicazi! Is there something I need to know?" Heather said.

Astrid sighed and took a deep breath.

"There is!" she said and turned to her again. Astrid took off her hood and mask facing shocked Heather.



So, looks like Heather is the first person who found out who Astrid really is.

What about Hiccup? Do you think he will know in the right time? Or never?

I don't answer till the end.

Hope you enjoyed it.

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