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Yeah, I know, I said I put the book on hold but it's the weekend and today is a really important day to me so yeah...

Let me just say there are 3 things that inspire me that you should know about

1) History and current events, I love to know about what's going on

2) Music, films, TV... I listen to anything in the background while doing work, I can't stand silence, it's very annoying and if you have a father like mine *cough* the  you know this well...

3) I know, this should really be about Michael Blue and that one one-shot that was up for like 2 days before I took it down because it was the backstory that started everything


9/11 is something that really gets me riled up

Hence why I wrote Unovan Siege (sort of)

To be honest I was in a competition with hannahluvz but then got too far into it so yeah btw Hannah thanks for the cover, I'll post it to the next chapter, this one goes to 9/11

I wrote something about 9/11 though, it's titles Unovan siege if you want to read

Suffice to say, I was an ignorant little child then...

I remember it being the end of the school year in like July, and me watching the original news footage and being totally shocked, interested, and horrified...

I mean, it struck down deep and I gained a little faith in my mom that day because she held my hand and watched in shock too while my dad was watching his stupid football match on the TV

Anyways, point is that I was like woah...

I mean, we fast forwarded seeing what I needed to know: how it was a normal day, and then how people called, how the pentagon was bombed, all that good stuff

I have to say what really did me in though, was after watching Busch, we saw the first tower buckling, and I mean, I was just speechless when I saw it happen...

What really hit me hard was the second one and how the reporter was just literally hoping it wouldn't happen again but he said, and it was clear, the second one would buckle...

I mean, then came the second crashing to the floor and literally the last thing I saw that night, was how the smog literally covered all of manhattan and how you just watched it make its way over to the water...

I was like, wow, I'm surprised only 3,000 people died, that was insane, I mean, I was just like in total shock and it hit me hard, and so I thought about it and I decided to write something about it

Suffice to say, I'm at it again, sitting in the train and pouring my thoughts out on a page...

So yeah, let's have a moment of silence shall we, for 9/11

Because I know, that it was really bad, and that Osama Bin Laden deserved to be killed for what he did

Let's not forget what happened for the sake of America


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