Chapter 4

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Hey guys this is a bit shorter than most chapters. However, the point is that this is a crucial chapter and needs to be short. Anyways, I hope the spacing is okay because I'm posting and writing this from my phone.

I feel good though because I'm updating in consecutive days. Plus I have some motivation now to get the story going because the exposition is over people! It's time for the action to begin. (Also, thank hannahluvz for the fast update, she's my bestie XD)

Anyways, I hope you enjoy...

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Chapter 4

Having someone call you in the middle of the night is never a pleasant experience. Especially, if the call is a piece of bad news. The only thing I can really think about getting a call from Michael Blue in the middle of the night is: who died and how?

I grabbed the phone though and picked it up in a panic.

"Luce. News. Now." Said Michael in a panic on the phone.

I could hear his breathing as I looked at the time on my alarm clock while feeling for the remote. It was 3:00 in the morning.

As I grabbed the remote I asked Michael as calmly as I could, "Blue, why are you up at 3?"

He then proceeded to sigh, "It was Winger...she's an early riser."

I struggled to turn the TV on while I suggested, "Woah there Michael, TMI much...I get you guys are a little more than just friends and all but there is no reason to announce your nightly activities to me."

The growling that came from the other side of the phone was rather clear as Michael snarled, "Hey don't get any ideas. She called me and told me to call you about the news because she doesn't have your number and this is something that you need to see. You know what, why I am I even bothering when-"

Just then I said while seeing the broadcast,"Holy ancestor of arceus! This is not good."

"Hence why I called you at this hour," said Blue, "we will talk about this more in the morning. Until then, farewell."

After that, my landline phone on my bedside table started to ring. I already knew it was Red who panicked as I picked up, "You're seeing this right?"

"No duh, why are you up so early?" I questioned while staring at the TV.

Red replied, "I'm an early riser."

Skeptical, I said, "Yep, sure, I got you there. I guess I will have to address this in the morning. Come over later and help me prepare a speech. I need to recover from the shock first."

Yes, two phone calls in the same morning could only mean one thing: tragedy had struck Kanto, now it was time to deal with it.


The indigo plateau was the most logical place to set up the assembly that was about to occur. Red stood beside me nervously and was most likey thinking the same thing I was: that the danger we were both in was beyond belief.

By danger, the possibility of any of our assassination, kidnapping, or even just bodily harm increased with every second. It went without saying that Red was also in danger as he had the championship in which all of this started. He was as much at risk for enmity towards his past actions as I was for just being the champion of the time.

However, if the address was going to be done anywhere it would have to be at the indigo plateau. The citizens of Kanto would have to recieve the future plan of action in person. It was the only way that would ever be right. Then, I would ascend the journey to the champion's chamber in which I would meet with the elite four, taking Red with me because he was certainly in danger and should hear what they have to say.

As the people filed into lines on the hill, I took a deep breath and pushed my hair behind my ear. No doubt I was nervous, I had the speech on flash cards in front of me, but I still had no clue if I could actually go through with it. I had no clue what course of action to take next. I still hadn't met with Blue and Winger, not that I could say anything to the public about them.

Once the people were finished arranging themselves into rows, I looked at Red who nodded as I started, "Dearest citizens of Kanto. I assume you've seen the tragedy that has befallen the region."

The crowd stared at me a weird look in their eyes. It was almost like nostalgia mixed a sort of anger but with a hint of anticipation. I ignored the looks of the crowd as I said, "I have come to say that unfortunately at the moment we haven't found anyone who could be suspect for the crime. We know it was not bombing by suicide, as we have found no human remains in any of the cells."

The crowd held their breaths as we all thought of the images we saw this morning. The prison on the side of Mt. Kizana (in the mountain range east of the indigo plateau) that was blown up in the side, with the cells of the prisoners empty, meaning that they were all back in the world. It was truly a tragedy and a true setback for the war on terror. Although none of us advertised it, the facility held a room for the extraction of information and plans from prisoners. I personally preferred not to think about it, that was the elite four's thing and hence it was necessary. However, the destruction of the prison ultimately meant that I would have to probably go back to the drawing board for anti-terrorist measures.

I sighed and tugged at my hair as I flipped the card and addressed, "Although we have found no evidence of who has done this disasterly deed at the moment we will not stop until we identify, apprehend, and put this perpetrator behind bars."

I began to feel an anger in my blood as I looked down and felt the resolve within me rise as I exclaimed, "We will not rest! Whoever was behind this will not feel mercy! This day, May 27 is one that will live in infamy! We will remember this day, this attack upon us as a region!"

The crowd roared with support as I declared, "We will remember Mt. Kizana! We will get justice! We will find whoever set the leaders of team rocket free!"

Although the speech had been scripted, at the end my anger had risen and instinctivley my speech became more radical. At the moment I felt the patriotism dripping from every word I exclaimed. I felt the need to avenge and attack whoever was responsible, as I knew the days to come would be dark. The crime rate in Kanto would take a turn for the worse and I would have to deal with it. However, I didn't think of that at the moment, all I could feel was the sudden boiling of my blood and knowledge that I would have to get my hands dirty in the future. The three weeks of simplicity had ended and I would have to step up if I wanted to keep control of my region. My easy path as champion would have to give way for a new time of struggle.

So yes, the tragedy that struck the Kanto region happened under my nose. Whoever blew up the prison and released team rocket, I didn't know. There was not much that I could know. I was vulnerable, and hence so was the region.

There was only one thing I could possibly do at that point:

My stakes were raised, and so it was time to play the game.

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