Eight: RED

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80 votes, right on the mark, oh yeah, i'm awesome. Haha just kidding :P

90 VOTES FOR CHAPTER NINE! Come on, I know you can do it. I know you'll want to do it after you read this chapter... I'll just say this.

After you read this chapter, everything will change for Samson and AJ :P

Don't forget to vote XD


Samson's Mind

I was standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom looking at my hair. The blue had faded so much now that my hair kind of looked greenish. Green, hey, that's a pretty cool colour. Nah, I don't feel like green right now. Hmm, what colour should I go with this time? What colours have I gone before? I didn't know 100%.

I was fine with being a normal sort of Blonde, but after boldly going purple, I kind of want to stick to the 'outrageous' types. In saying that, I still wanted to start off with something... kind of normal.

Let's see, what colours are there in the world. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, brown, black, white. That covers most of them roughly if you put them into those categories. I'm naturally black haired, and I've been blonde, which is yellow, and now I've been purple, so that's kind of indigo and violet. And then I went blue, which has now faded.

Red... yeah, red. I like red. Not that ginger natural looking one. I want fire engine red. Red hot passion, lust and sex.

Yeah, I want to go red. Maybe AJ will help me dye my hair. Wait, he said he'd done that before. Well maybe he'll do it again.

I pulled out my phone and hit 2 on speed dial, dialling my best friend. He picked up right away.

“You rang?” AJ cooed deeply, then laughed.

“Master Thomas, I need your assistance effective immediately,” I said down the line, trying to sound posh.

“Alright, I’ll grab my pet elephant, Sheila, and be on my way. Hang tight,” AJ replied in the same mannerism. I chuckled.

“Okay, make sure to park it out back, we wouldn't want to startle the neighbours and create an uproar, now would we?”

“Ah-ha, exactly,” AJ laughed, then hung up. I dropped my phone back into my pocket and ran my fingers through my hair. The ends were starting to split from all the product, I was going to have to buy some treatments for it too when we went out.


“What about this?” AJ asked, tossing me a box dye with red packaging. I caught it and looked at the colour tag.

“Hmm, it's too dark. I want a real red,” I told him, putting the box back in a random spot to create more work for the lady at the front who'd given us the evils as we walked in. What happened to good customer service? Stupid homophobia. Plus I just like being annoying and causing trouble. AJ said that hasn't changed much now that I’m 17. It's so confusing sometimes. I just want my memories back.

Gah, why do people keep giving me and AJ weird looks? It's not like AJ and I are a couple.

Do we... look like a couple? I thought this as I looked over AJ's figure from behind as he walked ahead of me, looking down the row. He's fit, I’ll give him that. We've kissed, almost twice now by mistake. People are watching the video of us kissing, and liking and commenting. It's weird. And AJ keeps being questioned on his sexuality, which he neither confirms nor denies.

I don't understand him any more. I need to get all my memories back so I can be sure. I still can't get that look of disappointment on his face out of my mind. He feels somewhat distant at times, like he's somewhere I can't reach him now. It's because his mind is two years ahead of mine.

DYE SAMSON (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now