Mino: Distance {part 1}

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[so I officially survived my first day of high school... I'm not excited that school has started but I'm still doing well I guess. But seriously, I can use my phone during lunch and in the halls so yay]

Prompt word #20: Time


*Second person pov*

It was strange to think that you wouldn't be able to live without Mino. Because you definitely can.

At first it was difficult to not think about him, but now you could go three weeks and not once your mind would drift to him... It wasn't that you didn't love him (you did), it was just the fact it's been six months now. But for Mino, it was totally different. Each night and every morning all he could think about was you. He would get so busy he'd forget to contact you, but still Minho thought about you more than you did about him.

But it was still strange when every once and awhile you'd think about him gone and go, 'huh... Oh well...' Was it supposed to be like that? It wasn't like you found any other guy attractive... You just felt like you were losing that spark because of the distance between you too. Boy, do you hope that's not the case. Maybe the moment you see him next everything will be rekindled and perfect...

Wait. Could he have moved on? Well, you two haven't talked in a few weeks, it would be hard to hear he moved on. Though it wouldn't surprise you that much, you weren't much at all.

Let's head to the mall! Meet me in like 10 minutes -Hyun

Ah, finally something to get your mind off Minho. Though it was weird to randomly think about him when you normally never do.

-two weeks later-

The moment you got the text from Minho saying he just landed in Korea, your mind went blank. Were you supposed to be happy? It's not like you've viewed him as a boyfriend for the past few months.

"He'll be at the party you know..." Your friend said lying on your bed.

"I know."

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm not sure... I don't even want to see him that much." You shrugged putting in your earrings.

"That's not a good thing to think. Do you still have feelings for him?"

"I don't know..."

"Aish. It's gonna suck for him coming back to hear that."

"He's probably moved on too. How can he expect me to continue to love him when he's gone for almost eight months with no contact?" It was such a harsh statement to make, and you didn't want it to be true. You wanted to love him, you have for over two years and three months. Then again, you didn't receive a simple text on your anniversary, nothing, "I mean seriously Hyun! Minho hasn't even made an effort to see me since he's got back!"

"Well I think he knows you'll be at the party... But it's still low."

"Let's just go... I wanna get this over with now." I'm pretty sure he doesn't realize you'll be there, though you did tell him... Well he did say 'okay'.

"How about we just stay for an hour then?"

"Sounds good to me."


The party was an automatic drag the moment you got there. Quite honestly. Hyun and you sat in the back sitting and talking for the first thirty minutes you'd be staying until you finally noticed him.

Minho having a great time with his friends and a few beautiful girls. You right away felt unbelievably self conscious because you couldn't even compare to them in anyway. Did he not care to seek you out?

"Come on, let's go dance." Hyun-si winked, "maybe he'll finally notice you once he sees you getting other attention." Of course you knew what she meant by that.

You sighed, "Why not."

No matter how many guys danced with you, put your hands on you, Minho didn't seem to notice once. If he had he normally would've stormed over pushing the guys away. God, he really was a sucky boyfriend.

"I'm done, let's go."

"Yeah, I've given up here too." You and your friend left right away. All your hopes were diminished on the spot.

Officially, you no longer loved Song Minho. You just couldn't let yourself.

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