True Friend [June 26 2011]

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How will you know, 

whether you have a friend or not?

How will you know,

which one will stay

and which will go?

Many of them may lend you a

hand from time to time.

But only few,

will stick around during the

worst of your days.

Have you lost a good friend?

or is she just far and out of reach?

Have you been feeling

a little bit blue?

Do you have a clue which of them

is true?

To me, They seem like stones.

there are plenty on the land. But if you find a

crystal among them,

then you've found yourself luck.

For the crystals, are the ones that lasts

long and are strong.

And normallly, they make your day well.

But the rare ones,

brighten your life.


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