Chapter 21

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  • Dedicated to Steve- I love your sugar gliders!!!

Chapter 21:

When I get to the shooting range to train, it seems a lot bigger than I thought it was. I guess I wasn’t paying attention before. There are about 25 slots for people to shoot separately at their own target. I enter one and start shooting my machine gun I got from Pete and Rico. I shoot for about 10 minutes and then I realize I need a new target… mine has a huge hole in it where the bulls- eye should be.

“Need a new target?” The sergeant says from behind me, startling me because I forgot I wasn’t alone.

“Umm. Yah. I didn’t realize.” I say, not sure if I should apologize as the sergeant walks off to get a new target. He comes back with a stack of them.

“Just in case.” He says and walks away. And I begin shooting again, after a couple hours I have burned through all the targets, which I am guessing was around 50. After I have burned through those, it felt as my senses have been sharpened. I go and sit down to have lunch, carrying the targets I’ve used and throw them out as all the other people stare at me as if I have grown 2 extra heads. I have been getting used to it so I just sit down and start eating my sandwich. After a while everyone starts talking again… man I hate awkward silences! Then the sergeant walked in, he looked furious with his face all red and stomping.

“PUSH-UPS!” He yelled so loud I jumped to the floor and yelped as we started doing push ups.

“YOU ARE ALL GOING TO KEEP DOING THIS UNTIL I FIND OUT WHO STOLE FROM THE KITCHEN!” He yelled even louder, I can feel the ground shaking as I listen, no one says a word. I wanted to speak up but wasn’t sure how much trouble I would get in. After an hour, everyone is shaking, and panting with red faces. The sergeant just sits, watching us, yelling if we slow down.

“GET UP!” He yells, a little calmer but angrier than the normal person. Some of us collapse on the ground but get up anyways. Then the sergeant leaves and we all just fall and lie on the ground panting and shaking.

“Man *gasps* whoever *gasps*   stole  *gasps*   better have had to be in this room   *gasps*   doing push-ups   *gasps* with us innocents.” One of the arrow shooters said, still panting like all of us. Then it was time to go to our rooms.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey readers, sorry for a really short and late update but i've been busy at school and on the weekend i was away with family, ps: sugar gliders are sooooo cute! but any ways i just wanted to apologize and thank you so much for reading, it really means a lot and i hope you guys are enjoying it and it puts a smile on your face.

Thanks again, Keep smiling :)

til next time

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