Chapter 15

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  • Dedicated to My Dad - thanks for reading!

                                                                Chapter 15:

“So tell me what you are doing again?” I ask concerned why he is hooking me up to a bunch of computer monitors and sensors.

“Because I think that there is something different about you, and I’m gonna find out what.” Pete said, hooking me up to wires with glue and cold rubber pads as I lay on a metal table, strapped down.

“Then what’s with the straps?” I say, feeling really worried.

“Cuz’ its fun!” Pete said laughing. Rico entered with a bag of chips.

“Dude, how is that going to help with the investigation?” Pete said annoyed.

“Can’t work with an empty stomach.” Rico said with a grin, shoving a handful of chips into his mouth. Pete rolls his eyes and gets back to work.

“Ok, I think we are ready to go!” Pete says, getting giddy with excitement.

“Is this gonna hurt?” I ask a little worried.

“Maybe a little, I’ll try to make it as less painful as possible.” Pete says as if I took the joy out of it, but he was still pretty excited.

“Pfft, great, I’m overjoyed with excitement.” I say sarcastically, but almost grinning. Then I feel my whole body tingling. I look around, eyes wide.

“You ok?” Pete says, his eyes still glued onto the monitor.

“Yeah; just weird.” I say, hoping it doesn’t get worse. Then there are pictures of people popping up on the monitor until my picture pops up.

“GOT IT!” Pete says so excited he slams his fist on the table.

“Got what?” I ask, hoping I can get off these wires.

“Your government profile. I am going to back track and see who your birth parents are.” Pete says, never lifting his eyes off the monitor. Then I hear him mumbling as Rico glances over his shoulder.

“Hey… isn’t that-”

“Shhh!” Pete says cutting him off and giving him a glare that means death.

“What’s going on? Something wrong?” I ask, really worried that they aren’t telling me what’s going on.

“Umm… uh… just figuring out who your birth parents are.” Pete says, trying to avoid the subject. Ok, now I know something’s up.

“You guys, it’s my parents, what is wrong?” I say a bit forcefully.

“Your parents are part of government. They died a long time ago but they tried to shut down this world. They had kept information about the Grimm’s away from us, for some reason they knew about them. When your foster father started to build this world, your biological parents tried to stop him, but they couldn’t.” Pete told me.

“How did my biological parents know about the Grimm’s?” I asked

“We don’t know that. But your parents, since they are part of the government, after they found out about the Grimm’s, they started to learn to be the best shooters out there. They had to learn to protect themselves or they were in big danger. It must’ve been passed on to you without you realizing.” Pete said looking more into the files of my family information.

“So shooting is like a 6th sense?” I asked, thinking I get it.

“Yup, I guess.” Pete said.

“Well… now what?” Rico said, having finished off a whole bag of chips… what a pig!

“I know how to defeat the Grimm’s… but we will need your help.” Pete said, his grin so wide I was scared what he had in mind.

Authors Note: Heyo! i uploaded, trying to keep you guys happy, happy, happy. I hope you guys are as excited for the next chapter as i am!!!! I have big, big plans!

keep smiling :)

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