Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Jordan C

                                                     Chapter 1: Through The Door             


“When I open this door, you will see you’re crazy and there is just an empty room. Then I will call the cops, have you thrown in jail for kidnapping. When you get out of jail, if you ever get more than 20 feet of me I will shoot you.” I said calmly and confidently, hoping it knocked some sense into him. Then I opened the door, a bright golden light shone through, too bright I looked away to see my former father smirk and push me into the room.

How long has it been since I was in the world my “father” has locked me in? Only a few moments. In these few moments my mind is racing, through thoughts I never had remembered before, the good times and bad. Thoughts I shouldn't be able to remember, like when I was just born. My head pounds with the information being thrown around. Confused by my memories. My body is flying through the door as if I am falling into a never ending pit, tumbling through the golden light. My eyes now closed; unable to take the brightness in anymore. Being thrown around, as a rag doll in the washing machine. Then it stopped. It was so sudden I landed with a thud. Unsure if I should open my eyes, I don't and just try to catch my breath and go over what just happened.

I hear one mumbled voice say

“New guy!”

 I open my eyes, trying to see the voice, at first it was just dark, pitch black; Then a golden light that was too bright to handle but then everything went clear; the golden light vanished and left me with the greyish of fog. Slowly I regained my senses and I could make out that I was lying down on what feels like a table, maybe pavement outside? It was hard and the place around me looked grey with the fog. Shadowy black tall figures started to emerge around me. Surely I was surrounded if only I could move and see. Unsure if I should be saying anything or do anything I hear one guy yell,

“He’s waking up!” Was I not awake before? Now I am confused. I try to get up; I hear gunshots as I sit up and feel someone’s hands pushing me back down into a laying position.

“Take it easy fella.” said a deep but soft voice. In the distant there are sounds of more gun shots and explosions. My vision is all foggy all of a sudden as I feel pain shooting all up my spine. I wish I could have seen who was talking to me but it was all a blur so I close my eyes. The pain coming from my spine was now slowly going down the legs. I was thrashing trying to stop the pain. What feels like 5 sets of hands trying to hold me down I feel the pain all the way down my legs and now up my neck. I scream, and then I passed out.

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