Chapter 45

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I slammed my knife into the Griever while I grabbed Minho's hand. I pulled at it and Minho crawled forward, he quickly stood up and slammed another knife in the Griever. The Griever fell down and I pushed it of the edge.

'Rosalie! Minho! Hurry!' I heared Theresa scream.

'The code, Minho!'

'Yeah eh, 715... 2... 8... 6... 4...' He got interupted again because he heared someone scream. I looked around me. A boy got pulled away by a Griever and I saw Thomas ran toward them. He grabbed the boy's hand and pulled at it. It didn't help much and I saw Newt ran over at them as well. He helped Thomas, both each arm, but the Griever was to strong.

I had to do something. Minho ran over at them as well, but it didn't have much of an effect. I pulled my last knife out of my pocket and I threw it at hard as I could, at the Grievers hideous head. It shrieked, and fell down immediatly. Minho, Newt, and Thomas looked around, with surprised looks on their faces.

'You're welcome.' I yelled.

Newt and Thomas helped the boy up and carried him towards the Griever hole.

'Minho! The last number!' Theresa yelled.

We ran towards the Griever hole with everyone else. The Grievers were following us. I was behind the group, so I could make sure we could all make it.

'3!' Minho yelled.

I stepped in the Griever hole and heared a sound. The door behind me was closing now. It closed completely before a Griever could enter.

'Rosalie! Everyone's in?' I heared Newt's voice.

'Yeah.' I answered. It was pitch black down here, I couldn't see a thing. I could only hear heavy breathes. Everyone was trying to catch breath. I rubbed the sweat of of my forehead while I sucked the air in my lungs. What would happen now? Were we locked in here for good? Was it some kind of trap? What was going on?

After a minute or so, a door opened in front of us, a bright, white light coming out of it. My eyes had to adjust because of the sudden light, so I immediatly squeezed them shut. I slowly opened them again, while I held my hand in front of my face, to protect my eyes. Everyone walked through the door, and I searched for Newt's hand. I found it, and grabbed it. We had made it out. We were in some kind of hallway, I couldn't see the end of it,  only endless white lights. After a long while of checking up on everyone, we began walking.

I walked next to Newt while I still held on to his hand. He'd kissed me just a second ago, and I could still feel his lips on mine. We made it out together, we would be free and live happily ever after. Still, I couldn't be happy for 100 procent. Alby was dead. He would have come with us. He was good. Plus, what would happen after this? Were we able to find a way out of this hallway? Was there a end? And what about all the other boys who didn't leave with us? Would they die during the night when the Grievers would come to attack?
My head was spinning. It didn't feel right to be happy with escaping just yet.

We walked through the hallway. The floor was white and so were the walls. Every meter there was a big white TL-lamp on the wall, on each side. Suddenly, the group stopped walking. Me and Newt walked to the front, to see what was going on.

We stood in front of a door, a green EXIT sign hung above it.

'Seriously?' I heared someone say.

Lost without you × Newt × A Maze Runner fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now