Chapter 36

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Back in the maze, I inspected the object carefully with Minho. After a while, we thought the Griever came out of section 7, so we would go back in the maze in half an hour, to go to section 7.
But first we were going to have some luch and rest a little, so I walked straight to Frypan's, where I met Newt. He was talking to Alby, but when he saw me he interrupted the conversation, and smiled and waved at me.
'Hey, you guys.' I said.

'Hey!' Newt answered. 'I heared you guys found something?'

'Yeah, the Griever came probably out of section 7. I'm going to go there later, with Minho.'

Alby nodded. 'Good luck with that. I'll see you later, Newt.'

'Later.' Newt said and glanced at me sideways. 'Shall we eat lunch together?'

'Yes, I'm hungry.' I answered, and smiled.

We ate an sandwich together. We talked about the maze, and laughed about a silly joke Chuck made. Thomas and Teresa joined us, Teresa had worked with Zart and complained about how boring it was. Thomas was siked about the maze, and told me he wanted to be a runner. I told him I would talk with Minho about that, which made him really happy.

After half an hour or so, Minho came towards me. 'You ready?'
I nodded, and walked over to where Newt sat. I gave him a kiss on his lips.
'Are you going?' He asked.

'Yeah, I'll see you in a bit.' I answered.

'Be careful.'

'I will.' And I kissed him again. I didn't care everyone was staring at us.

I ran towards section 7 with Minho. He told me section 7 was suppose to be closed, but he wanted to do a check.

Section 7 was open, and so we ran through it. Suddenly, we heared couple of bleeps. It came from the metal object we'd found inside the Griever. I took it from Minho's backpack.  It was still bleeping, and I tried to find a button to stop it. When I turned around, the bleeps became more frequently. 'I think it's showing us the way.' I said.
We went north, the way the bleeps showed us, and after a while we had to go left. After a while we had to go right and I saw a lot of big things coming from the ground. I asked what they were, and Minho called them "beetle-blades". We ran past them, and went right again.

We were on some kind of bridge, leading to a round door, which was closed. 'Have you ever been here before?' I asked Minho.

'No.' The boy answered, looking around.

On the floor lay Griever-gelly. We walked to the door and heared a loud bleep, coming from the  metal object. The red light turned green and the round door opened.
Behind the door, was a tunnel and I saw some kind of digital display.
'I think we just found our way out.' He whispered, his voice was full of disbelieve.
I nodded, and realised he couldn't see it because of the darkness. 'I think we did...'
I felt so weird, we'd just found a way out. I couldn't believe it, it was just too much.

We turned around, to go back to the Glade, and saw a Griever coming around the corner. 'No...!' The Griever noticed us and ran over at us, trapping us. I still held the knife, so I raised it, preparing myself for the upcoming fight. Adrenaline kicked in, and I slammed the knife into it's body. The Griever shrieked and it's metal arm tried to hit me, but I dugged and slammed the knife in it again. The Griever reached out to me again, but I reacted to slow so his metal arm scraped against my cheek. I could tast the blood in my mouth. Minho slammed another knife in it, and the Griever stumbled back. 'Come on!' Minho screamed. It gave us a couple of seconds advantage and so we ran past it, going around the corner, back at the beetle-blades. We ran past a couple of them, before they began moving. They were closing and trapping us inside section 7.

We ran harder, we were past the beetle-blades now, going right, we were on a large corridor right now. The door in front of us was almost closed but we made our way through the little opening, we were outside of section 7. I reached out for my cheek and held my hand against the blood.
'You okay?'

'I'm dendy... We did it.'
I stopped running and glanced over at Minho. He was glancing back at me, with a large smile on his face. 'Yes, we did.' He said.
I smiled, too. The plans I'd made with Newt were going to be reality, we were going to be free. All of us.
We ran back to the Glade, quicker as usual.

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