Chapter 44

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Minho ran in front of the group, next to Thomas. A dozen boys or so ran behind them and Theresa and Chuck ran behind them. Newt and I closed the group.

We did this so we could make sure no one would be left behind and because of Newt's limp. He wasn't a fast runner, but I didn't mind. We had an jog tempo and it felt pretty good to run through the maze next to Newt. And the best part was we were going out of this place, ofcourse. At least, if everything went okay. We ran past the beetle blades, we were almost at the Griever hole. The group stopped running before we went around the corner, as planned. Teresa, Chuck, Newt and I run past the group and stopped when we were at Minho and Thomas. Minho and I would go first, to make sure it was okay to go and the rest would follow on our sign.

Newt grabbed my hand 'Be careful. I love you.' He whispered in my ear. I placed a small kiss on his lips. 'You too, I love you too.'

I slowly let go of his hand and joined Minho. Minho nodded at me, and gave me a quick smile. 'Here we go.' He whispered as we ran around the corner. I hated what I saw. A Griever just walked/ slided out of the Grieverhole and shrieked when he saw us. 'We can take him' Minho whispered, and yelled 'Prepare for a fight and let's go!'

The other boys ran around the corner with Chuck and Teresa behind them, they had the key and would enter the Griever hole first. I turned around and ran towards the Griever. I slammed my knife in it's body and it shrieked. Long arms came out of it and it tried to grab me, but I dugged. I was quick and I stuck my knife in it's body again. Out of my corner I saw two more Grievers came out of the Griever hole, and other boys began fighting. Teresa and Chuck kept distance, we had to give them the space to go in the Griever hole. Newt ran towards me and trew a knife in the Griever. The Griever stumbled back and rushed forward again, striking my cheek with something sharp. I felt the taste of blood in my mouth. 'Rosalie!' Newt yelled, while he stuck an other knife in the Griever's body.

'I'm fine! We have to kill it, now!' Newt hit the Griever with a knife again and the Griever shrieked while it fell down.

'Teresa! Chuck! NOW!' They scooted forward, and ran through the Griever hole. For that split second, I took everything in. Minho was helping Newt kill a Griever, Frypan was fighting with another. I saw a boy laying on the ground, blood all over him, leaving a bad taste in my mouth. More boys fighting. More Grievers. I ran towards a Griever who'd just hit a boy. He lay on the ground with a scared expression on his face. I slammed my knife in the Griever. I pulled it out and slammed it in, and again, and again. The Griever fell down. The boy stood up and I ran towards him. 'You okay?'

'Yeah, thanks.'

I saw a boy fell of the edge of the bridge, taking a Griever with him. 'No!' I ran forward and grabbed his hand just on time. I almost fell of the edge myself, but I could feel hands around my waist. 'Come on, love.' Newts voice. He pulled me up while I did my best not to let go of the boy. He looked at me with scared eyes and kept whispering 'don't let go.' I wasn't the strongest person and he almost slided away that one time but Newt and I pulled him up together. He was okay.

'A code! I need a code!' I heared Teresa scream. '7 numbers!' My head spinned. A code with 7 numbers. The sections.

Minho was still fighting with a Griever, so I ran over at him. 'Minho! What is the sequence of the sections?'

'What?' He yelled.

'The sections, what is the sequence?'

'Oh,' Minho yelled while he slammed a knife it the Griever. '7... 1... 5...' He got interupted because a Griever sprang on him.

'Teresa, you got that?' I yelled while I ran forward and pulled a knife out of my back pocket.

'Yeah!' She screamed back.

Lost without you × Newt × A Maze Runner fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now