Chapter 33

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I felt the adrenaline rush through my body, feeling scared. 'Okay.'
'On 3. 1... 2... 3!'
I began to run, going around the corner. When it noticed us, the creature turned his hidious head, so he could observe us. Big needles came out of it's body, he shrieked and moved towards us. Just before he could sting us, we went left, running as hard as we could. We ran left again, then right, left. We were inside the inner circle now. The East door couldn't be far now.
I heared walls moving again. My heart sunk, the doors must have closed. But Minho yelled at me 'This section is closing, too! Come on!'
We went right, and I saw a wall moving. It was going to lock us in. I ran until I was standing in front of the moving wall, waiting for the Griever. There was still time. My head spun. Maybe we could kill it, if it got stuck between the walls.
I heared Minho scream 'Rosa! What the klunk are you doing?!'
I ignored him, and saw the Griever appear around the corner. It moved towards me.
The door was almost closed. 'Rosalie, come on! There's no time!'
I ran through the door, and when the door closed I heared a high shriek. It had worked.

I looked at Minho, 'Now we can go.' I said.
'You are a weird little shank. Crazy...'
He stared at me with big eyes and then we ran towards the East door.
We went around a corner and I saw the door was already closing. 'Hurry!' I screamed. I saw the Gladers standing behind the door. I saw Newt, who had an scared expression. His mouth moved, but it was to far away to hear him. We ran as hard as we could, and went through the door just on time. We fell out the maze, litterly, and I laid on the grass, gasping. Newt kneeled down next to me. 'Are you okay?'
'I'm... Gre... At.' I said, sucking the air in my lungs. Newt helped me up, and we walked back to the homestead. I walked between Newt, Alby, Chuck, Thomas and Minho.

'What happend?' Alby asked.
'A lot.' Minho answered. 'Let's go to the map room.' He added, looking over at me.
I nodded.

Chuck asked 'Have you seen a Griever again?'
Before I could answer him, Minho did. 'She didn't just see it, she killed it.'
'Not possible...'
'You're a funny man, Minho.'

'He's speaking the truth. The Griever is dead.' I said, and somehow I felt proud of what I've done. The adrenaline was still rushing through my body, and I was shaking.

Newt chuckled 'That what I like about you, you're so much more than a pretty face. Killing a Griever... Ha!' He gave me a kiss on my cheek. I blushed, leaned forward while I stroked his face in my hand. I chuckled and kissed him.

'You guys are so adorable.' Chuck said, and he sighed.

I rolled my eyes. 'Slim it, little one.' I said with a mocking voice. Chuck laughed. A honest, childish laugh that made me feel warm inside.

Lost without you × Newt × A Maze Runner fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now