Chapter 8

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I heard something, so I opened my eyes. I must have fallen asleep because the sun was almost down. It must be... 5 o'clock? 4.30 at least.

I heard footsteps. I sat up in a rush and looked around me.
'Who's there?'


'Who's there?' I asked again.

The footsteps came closer and I turned around and saw a boy. I'd met him before, it was Steven.

'Steven, right? What are you doing here?'

'I had to... I'm...' Steven said. He looked paler than he had before.

'Are you okay? You don't look so good. Zart told me you were ill.'

'I'm... fine. I have to do this. I'm... so... sorry' His voice sounded shaky. What was wrong with him?

'Sorry about wha-'
I got interrupted because Steven sprang to me and held me. He had his hand around my arm and his grip was really strong. It hurt.
'What are you doing?' I was screaming now.

He leaned in and tried to kiss me. He pushed his lips on mine and tried to put his tongue in my mouth. I tried to stop it, but I was to surprised.
He was now fully kissing me, his tongue made me want to gag. I tried to get out of his grip but I couldn't.. he was to strong.
His hands touched my body, my waist, my breasts, everywere.

His hand was now sliding under my shirt . 'Stop it you idiot! Let go of me, please!'

He kissed me again, harder, with his tongue touching every corner of my mouth. He pushed me against a tree. Then I bit him. I bit him so hard. I could taste his blood in my mouth.
He stumbled back and screamed.

I had a little bit of time so I  found a stone and I hit him on his face. His face was now covered in blood and then he hit me and I felt blood dripping down my cheek.
I fell to the ground, screaming for help.

I saw a person running to us. Newt. His limp slowed him down but as soon as he reached Steven, he began hitting him. Steven reacted and started to kick Newt back. He screamed 'Your girl is a nice kisser'.

Newt snapped. He picked up a big rock, and hit Steven with it. Steven didn't give in, and picked up a rock, too. He tried to hit Newt but Newt blocked the rock with his hand. I could see the rock had cut him. Blood was streaming down.
Newt picked up another rock and knocked Steven on the head. Steven immediatly fell down. Newt kicked his feet against the boy's stomach, and again, and again.

'Newt... Don't...' Was the only thing I could say before the darkness took me.

Lost without you × Newt × A Maze Runner fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now